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经济学人学英语 效果 0122跟经济学人学英语

经济学人学英语 效果 0122跟经济学人学英语





The German art of joylessness--the downside to perfectionism(完美主义的缺点)

An encounter in a restaurant car reminds our correspondent(记者)of her countrymen’s(她的同胞的)unique ability to make themselves miserable(让自己感觉糟糕的).

I have loved the restaurant cars (餐车)in German trains for as long as I can remember. As a child, I used to pester(求/打扰) my parents to take me there for hot chocolate whenever we took the train to go on a family holiday. Later, they became reassuring(令人安心的) remnants(遗迹,保留项目) of old-school European civilisation(老派欧洲文明), a far cry from (与什么什么大相径庭 a far cry from…)the miserable(糟糕的) airport departure lounges(机场离境休息室) and station waiting-rooms in which I spend far too much of my life.

When, for the first time in a while, I went to have lunch in the restaurant car of a train down south from Berlin during a recent reporting trip(采访出差), I was pleased to note that little had changed. The booths(小隔间), with benches(长凳) clad(披着...) in bright-red imitation leather(仿制皮) and tables illuminated(用彩灯装饰) by little lamps(灯), were an odd but pleasing cross(混合体)of American diner and Viennese coffee house(维也纳咖啡屋). The food was seasonal(节令性的) – the autumn/winter offering was venison stew(炖鹿肉)– and reasonably priced(节日合理). It was served on polished china(高级的瓷器), with real cutlery(餐具). There was beer on tap(*on tap现成的), decent coffee and an impeccably (无可挑剔的)polite waiter. It was all far superior to the packaged sandwiches and fizzy(起泡的) drinks(*fizzy drinks饮料) travellers usually have to contend with(被迫满意的).

None of this, however, seemed to impress the two gentlemen with whom I shared the red benches on this occasion(但是有两个绅士时怎么都不满意). One was muttering under his breath (*mutter under breath嘀咕着什么事)about missing his flight while typing furiously on his laptop (the train was running a few minutes behind schedule)(*behind schedule晚点). Another piped up(*pipe up尖声说话) every couple of minutes to complain about the lack of wireless internet, as well as the fact that he had earlier been told off for smoking in the loo. As time went on and the train continued its journey through a pretty, late-autumn landscape lit by a hazy sun(朦胧的太阳), he talked himself into an expletive-laden(*laden充满的;*expletive咒骂语) rage(狂怒). It was only thanks to the patience of the train attendant(*train attendant列车员), whom he had called an “unhelpful arsehole(*arsehole蠢猪)”, that the grumpy(脾气坏的) gentleman eventually calmed down.
