




德国网友Ishtevan Peter的回答

Why did you ask such a question? Do you take it from the bottom of your heart as a way to insult the Chinese people. You're basically asking, "how dare the Chinese boast about 5000 years of history? Doesn't American history start with the Indians?"


Aside from the obvious defects in this statement, China's historical heritage is unique in addition to its pure antiquity.



Chinese people are the same group who have lived on the same land since the Shang Dynasty. Most places and surnames have even remained unchanged, which is one of the most important symbols of the continuation of civilization for anthropologists.




The Chinese created the written Chinese language from scratch. Few civilizations on earth can have such creativity. In addition, only two are still in use: Hebrew and Sanskrit. All other written languages still in use today are derivatives of the ancient language of "alien civilization".


Some people may mention Japan and South Korea. Even if South Koreans can prove the pure originality of their characters, they still use a large number of Chinese loanwords. Japanese Kanas are derivatives of Chinese radicals, either printed (Katakana) or cursive (Hiragana).




Chinese civilization, whether under the rule of Han or non Han, has almost always been one or two of the most prosperous, developed and technologically advanced civilizations on earth. Only in the past 300 years has western civilization decisively surpassed Chinese civilization in technology and economy.


Why do Westerners feel strange or even ignorant of Chinese civilization?



Western China is covered with ice and snow, with an average altitude of 3500 meters. The southwest is a dense rainforest. In the northwest, you can see endless deserts and uninhabited grasslands, while in the northeast, Siberia is also vast, cold and uninhabited. In the East, China faces the ocean and the vast Pacific Ocean full of storms and dangers. Therefore, China is geographically completely isolated from the birthplaces of other civilizations.


Such a steep and closed terrain makes it difficult for Chinese people to communicate with foreign countries. For example, Emperor Alexander's eastern expedition did not reach China. Therefore, the closed geographical environment has created China's historical independence and cultural heritage. Even the nomadic peoples (Huns, Turks, Mongols and Manchus) who invaded China many times in history finally accepted Chinese culture and integrated with the Han nationality.


As a result, a single nation-state was established (as were South Korea and Japan in East Asia). The idea of "Chinese" self-consciousness has existed since the separation of culture. Therefore, under this understanding, China has been forming a super civilization for thousands of years.


I have been to Egypt, where the civilization is older than that of China. I am shocked by the Giza pyramid. Unfortunately, Egypt's advanced civilization has not continued. Most of its culture disappeared due to the invasion of Greece, Rome, Arabia, France and Britain.



Today's Egypt has lost the good memory of the past. They can't understand the words and thoughts of ancient thinkers. In China, they can still read the words and poems of ancient Chinese before 2000, making Chinese people proud of their heritage, such as the Terracotta Army of Xi'an, the Great Wall to the north, the Grande Canale through Hangzhou and Beijing of the Forbidden City, standing in the long river of history for thousands of years.


The following can be added to the newly unearthed remains of the early stage of civilization in China.


1.贾湖版画/Jia Hu engrave

It appeared at Jiahu Site in Wuyang City, Henan province more than 8000 years ago (9000-7800 years ago), and a number of carved symbols called Jiahu carved symbols were unearthed. Some scholars think it's just a carved symbol, while others think it's text. Rao Zongyi of the University of Hong Kong, China once conducted an in-depth study on the Jiahu inscription and proposed that the "Jiahu inscription" provided new information for the key issues of the origin of Chinese characters.


2.双墩人物/Shuang Dun characters


More than 7000 years ago, more than 630 inscriptions were found in Bengbu Shuangdun site, with rich and diverse contents. They are very rare both at home and abroad. The diversity and content of symbols are unmatched by other websites in the same period. The functions of double piers can be divided into three categories: ideograph, seal and counting. Shuangdun carving reflects the lifestyle of Shuangdun ancestors in the early stage. It has the nature of primitive characters and is one of the sources of Chinese characters


3.半坡符号/BANPO symbol



About 6000 years ago, 20 or 30 symbols, namely Banpo pottery symbols, were engraved on the mouth of the pottery bowl at Banpo site of Yangshao culture. Yu Shenggu believes that "some simple characters come from the stage of character origin", some of which are numbers.


4.桃丝红字/Tao si red text

According to radiocarbon dating and correction, the age of Taosi site in Xiangfen County, Shanxi Province is about 2500-1900 BC. In 1984, archaeologists found a fragment of a flat pot at the Taosi site. The stubble was painted red. There are two words on the fragment, translated by experts, one is "Wen", the other is "Yao", "Yi", "Ming", etc.



美国网友Eric Ruck的回答

It's not a hoax, but it's definitely exaggerated. "Five thousand years of Chinese history" is a phrase that all Chinese and overseas Chinese keep repeating and remembering. Somehow, we always naturally believe that China has a richer history than other places. In any case, this is a somewhat strange concept. Whether you want to define "history" from written records or from the emergence of "civilization" seen in the first batch of large settlements, 5000 years is wrong.


The Shang Dynasty (built around 1600 BC) in the Yellow River Basin in northern China can be traced back to the first batch of written evidence and solid archaeological evidence. Before that, history was broken down into myths, but even if you accept the Xia Dynasty as a starting point, it will only bring you back to about 2000 BC.


In terms of the length of time, civilizations in other parts of the world preceded China. The writing system in Egypt and Mesopotamia was a thousand years earlier than that in China. The world's first city, Uruk, is located in today's Iraq, dating back to 7000 years ago.


Even compared with Europe, China is not so old. The life of Confucius overlaps with that of Pythagoras and Socrates. In 221 BC, a century after Alexander the great established the Greek Empire, China was unified for the first time, only a few centuries from the peak of the Roman Empire.


Nearly 4000 years - of course, it's old enough. Does it really matter whether China has a history of 5000 years? Yes, this is really important, not only because it is annoying that such inaccurate descriptions are widely publicized as disgusting historical facts, let alone the hypocrisy of beautifying history but preserving history so badly.


The 5000 or 6000 year long historical myth is important because it infers that China is a unique ancient country, so it deserves special attention, which will have direct consequences in real life. When dealing with Chinese people - whether trying to do business or political exchanges - this means you need to be more patient and just wait a while. After all, this country has thousands of years of history.



In 1991, former US President Richard Nixon told his biographer, "within 20 years, China will move towards the same democracy as the United States", and explained that the United States needs patience: "you can't urge them. The Chinese people are used to looking at history and the future with the vision of hundreds of years, thousands of years rather than decades. We don't have such long-term thinking."

1991年,美国前总统理查德·尼克松(Richard Nixon)告诉他的传记作者,“二十年内,中国将走向和美国一样的民主政体”,并解释了美国需要耐心:“你不能催他们,中国人习惯用几百年上千年而不是几十年的眼界看待历史和未来,我们不具备这样的长线思维。”

In addition to its pure age, China is often considered unique as the "longest lasting civilization". The idea of treating Chinese civilization as an eternal whole is another myth. It has changed people's views on China's past, present and future.


Sometimes, a lie is not only an odd narrator, but also the basis of the narrative. Martin Jacques's 2009 bestseller when China rules the world is a good example. Jacques repeated that China is special because of its antiquity and continuity, and added his own view: China is a "civilized country", not a nation-state.


He saw a rising China ruled by Confucian authoritarianism. As it became stronger, the ancient sense of superiority was restored and tributary relations with smaller countries were restored. Such comments belittle the Chinese people and make them passive victims of history.

