观世音菩萨(梵文:Avalokiteśvara),观世音来自于竺法护与其弟子译于长安敦煌寺的 《正法华经》。竺法护初译“光世音” 其弟子聂道真改为“观世音”。 玄奘新译为观自在,中国每略称为观音。

观世音菩萨是佛教中慈悲和智慧的象征,无论在大乘佛教还是在民间信仰,都具有极其重要的地位。以观世音菩萨为主导的大慈悲精神,被视为大乘佛教的根本。佛经上说,观世音是过去的正法明如来所现化,他在无量国土中,以菩萨之身到处寻声救苦。观世音与阿弥陀佛有着特殊的关系。他是西方三圣中的一尊, 也是一生补处的法身大士,是继承阿弥陀佛位的菩萨,而且还有说观世音就是阿弥陀佛的化身。

观世音菩萨具有平等无私的广大悲愿,当众生遇到任何的困难和苦痛, 如能至诚称念观世音菩萨,就会得到菩萨的救护。而且,观世音菩萨最能适应众生的要求,对不同的众生,便现化不同的身相,说不同的法门。 在佛教的众多菩萨中,观世音菩萨也最为民间所熟知和信仰。在中国的江、浙、闽、广、台湾, 以及南洋华侨间,观音信仰极为普及,所谓“家家阿弥陀,户户观世音”。浙江的舟山群岛,自古以来也一直被视为观世音菩萨应化的道场。









乘佛教极为强调悲心,视悲心为佛法的根本。《佛说法集经》中观世音菩萨说:“菩萨若行大悲,一切诸佛法如在掌中。”因为大乘的发菩提心,广度众生,就是“菩提所缘,缘苦众生”的悲心发动。悲心人皆有之,而没有菩萨的广大,但能通过不断修学发挥悲心,成为无穷的深广。没有悲心所修的功德是人天果报或小乘功德。若具有悲心,一切修行都是成就果德的因缘。所以经中总是说“大悲为上首”。 一切清净功德都以大悲为领导。扩大同情而成为菩萨的平等悲心,凡夫似乎不易做到。若能以缘起正观,观察人与人间的关系,则不难发现到自身与众生的关切,而能体察一切众生的苦痛。这是大乘佛教极为重要的价值观,也是诸大宗派的共识。





英文翻译:Avalokiteśvara bodhisattva (Sanskrit: Avalokiteśvara), Avalokite bodhisattva from zhu Fa hu and his disciples translated in Dunhuang Temple, Chang 'an "Zhengfa Hua Sutra". Zhu Fayu first translated "light Yin" his disciple Nie Daozhen changed to "avalokitesvara". Xuanzang new translated into view of freedom, the Chinese each slightly known as guanyin.

Avalokitesvara bodhisattva is a symbol of compassion and wisdom in Buddhism. It plays an extremely important role in both Mahayana Buddhism and folk belief. The spirit of great compassion, led by Avalokitesvara bodhisattva, is regarded as the foundation of Mahayana Buddhism. The Sutras say that Avalokitesvara is a manifestation of the righteous Dharma Buddha of the past, who, as a bodhisattva, sought his voice everywhere in the boundless land to save suffering. Avalokitesvara has a special relationship with Amitabha Buddha. He is one of the three sages in the West. He is also a dhammakaya, who is the successor of Amitabha Buddha. Moreover, it is said that Avalokitesvara is the incarnation of Amitabha Buddha.

The avalokitesvara bodhisattva has a vast desire for equal and selfless compassion. When people encounter any difficulty or pain, if they can sincerely say that they think of Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva, they will be saved by the Bodhisattva. Moreover, Avalokitesvara bodhisattva can best adapt to the demands of all sentient beings, presenting different body forms and speaking different methods to different sentient beings. Among many Bodhisattvas in Buddhism, Avalokitesvara bodhisattva is also the most well-known and believed by the people. In China's Jiang, Zhe, Min, Guang, Taiwan, and nanyang overseas Chinese, the belief in Avalokitesvara is very popular, the so-called "every household amitabha, avalokitesvara". Zhoushan Islands in Zhejiang province has been regarded as a place where Avalokitesvara should be transformed since ancient times.

Fearless print gilt guanyin sitting image

This guanyin cave, hands and feet and lotus are neat, hand knotted bold print, very elegant, hands and feet wrapped slurry, looks more stereo feeling, and then look at the surface peeling gold, s feeling is very, very open to me, the Buddha the most see carve one's face and hands, his face countenance empress dowager cixi, this is the concept of audio-visual carve one's face, carve one's face good Buddha carve one's face must be very lively, corners of the mouth of the dimple, The muscles of the face are very natural. This guanyin open face can be said to be one of the best products in the Buddha statue, which is very rare. The hands are also very beautiful.

At the bottom, you can see the metal inner tube, hollow inside, used to place sarira, and other sacred objects.

Only good work carver is comprehensive and any details are very in place, you can see the mottled with gold red lacquer material, the color red and white, ancient, beautiful patina, appear very natural, the grain back clothes is also very clear, as a whole did tsao, the effect of water is quite amazing.

Buddhism attaches great importance to compassion and regards compassion as the foundation of Buddhism. Avalokitesvara bodhisattva said in the Buddhist Scriptures: "If a Bodhisattva performs great compassion, all Buddha dharmas are in the palm of his hand." Because the mahayana's bodhicitta, which extends all sentient beings, is the movement of the heart of compassion that "bodhi is bound by and suffering from". The heart of compassion is shared by all human beings, but it does not have the breadth of bodhisattva. However, through continuous study, the heart of compassion can be developed to become infinitely deep and wide. The merit achieved without compassion is the merit of the human being or the Hinayana merit. If you have a heart of compassion, all the practices are the cause and cause of achieving frugality. That is why the scriptures always say, "Great sorrow is the first." All pure virtues are led by great compassion. Expanding compassion to become a Bodhisattva of equal compassion, ordinary people seem to be difficult to achieve. If one can observe the relationship between people with the right view of origin, it is not difficult to find the concern of oneself and all living beings, and to feel the pain of all living beings. This is a very important value of Mahayana Buddhism, which is shared by all major sects.

Profile exquisite curve, the curve of the mouth eye nose and chin do very in place, this is a manifestation of the pure hand carved fine grinding, clothes of large sleeves to cover on the thigh, the hem of the dress close to lotus, this is called cao garment water, very lively, can see light diffuse oily gloss, make people have a look at will know that year.

Guanyin is arguably the most people love god, a prajnaparamita jackfruit heart sutra can be reflected, mainly about guanyin practice comprehension, the fine gold guanyin overall product perfect, carve one's face is beautiful, the shape of the hand is good, is the highest grade in guan Yin, can borrow guanyin to make up for the inadequacy of their own, more like a goddess of mercy of compassion and gentle, natural guanyin bless peace and happiness. This sitting guanyin statue has high collection value, as well as economic value.
