英语学习中,我们会遇到一部分Idiom,今天我给大家分享几个,今天小编就来说说关于英语日常 idioms?下面更多详细答案一起来看看吧!

英语日常 idioms(英语学习中的Idiom)

英语日常 idioms


as welcome as a skunk at a lawn party ,menas not welcome at all,一点也不受欢迎的意思。

eg:The beggar is begging on the street and he is as welcome as a skunk at a lawn party.(那个乞丐在大街上乞讨,一点也不受大家 的欢迎。)

as timid as a rabbit,means very timid,非常胆小的意思。

eg:Children often are as timid as a rabbit when they meet strangers.(孩子们遇到陌生人时,往往像兔子一样胆小。)

as strong as an ox,means very strong,非常强壮的意思。

eg:----Do you think a woman may be as strong as an ox?(你认为一个女人可以像牛一样强壮吗)

----Yes,the body builder.(有的,比如健美者)

as sure as death and taxes,means absolutely certain to happen,非常确信某事会发生的意思。

eg:If you play with fire you will burn yourself as sure as death and taxes.(玩火者,必自焚。)

as sober as a judge,means completely sober,十分清醒,十分严肃的意思。

eg:The policeman was as sober as a judge when he arrived to the accident scene.(当警察到达事故现场的时候,他像法官一样清醒。)


