

dusty['dʌsti] adj. 积满灰尘的

【助记】dust(灰尘) y表形容词。

【英释】If places, roads, or other things outside are dusty, they arecovered with tiny bits of earth or sand, usually because it has not rained for a long time.

【例句】They started strolling down the dusty road in the moonlight.


no longer / not … any longer 不再……

【例句】I no longer have any objection to your going to see her.


partner ['pɑ:tnə] n. 伙伴;合作者;合伙人

【助记】part部分 n er表人→其中一部分的人物,伙伴,合作者。

【英释】Your partner is the person you are doing something with, for example dancing with or playing with in a game against two other people.

【例句】My partner for the event was the marvelous American player.


settle ['setl] vi. 安家;定居;停留vt. 使定居;安排;解决

【助记】set(设置,安置) tle(加强意思)→安排,解决。

【英释】If people settle an argument or problem, or if something settles it, they solve it, for example by making a decision about who is right or about what to do.

【例句】Both sides are looking for ways to settle their differences.


suffer ['sʌfə] vt. & vi. 遭受;忍受;经历

suffer from 遭受;患病

【助记】suf→sub (底下的) fer-offer提供→底下做小动作,遭受。

【英释】If you suffer pain, you feel it in your body or in your mind.

【例句】You must have suffered from a cold.你一定是感冒了。

∆loneliness ['ləunlinis] n. 孤单;寂寞

【助记】lonely(孤独地) ness(名词化后缀)。

【英释】Loneliness is the unhappiness that is felt by someone because they do not have any friends or do not have anyone to talk to.

【例句】I have so many friends, but deep down, underneath, I have a fear of loneliness.


highway['haiwei] n. 公路;大路

【助记】high (高的) way(道路)→高速

【英释】A highway is a main road, especially one that connects towns or cities.

【例句】I crossed the highway, dodging the traffic.我避开车流穿过了公路。

recover[ri'kʌvə] vi. & vt. 痊愈;恢复;重新获得

【助记】re再 cover包含→再一次包含了你的东西,重新获得。

【英释】When you recover from an illness or an injury, you become well again.

【例句】He is recovering from a knee injury.他的膝伤正在康复。

get/be tired of ... 对……厌烦

【例句】The Beatles— I never get tired of listening to them.甲壳虫乐队——我是百听不厌.

pack[pæk] vi. & vt. 捆扎;包装;打行李n. 小包;包裹

pack (sth) up将(东西)装箱打包


【英释】When you pack a bag, you put clothes and other things into it, because you are leaving a place or going on holiday.

【例句】When I was 17, I packed my bags and left home.17岁时,我背起行囊离开了家。

【例句】He'd left me to pack up the mail and post it off.他让我整理并投递邮件。

suitcase ['sju:tkeis] n. 手提箱;衣箱

【助记】suit一套西装 case箱子→放西服的箱子,衣箱。

【英释】A suitcase is a box or bag with a handle and a hard frame in which you carry your clothes when you are travelling.

【例句】It did not take Andrew long to pack a suitcase.安德鲁很快就整理好了手提箱。

overcoat ['əuvəkəut] n. 大衣;外套

【助记】over上面 coat大衣→穿到最外(上)面的衣服,大衣。

【英释】An overcoat is a thick warm coat that you wear in winter.

teenager ['ti:n,eidʒə] n. 十几岁的青少年

【助记】teen十几 age年龄 er→十几岁年龄的人,青少年

【英释】A teenager is someone who is between thirteen and nineteen years old.

【例句】As a teenager he attended Tulse Hill Senior High School.


get along with 与……相处;进展

【英释】If you get along with someone, you have a friendly relationship with them. You can also say that two people get along.

【例句】It's impossible to get along with him.根本无法跟他和睦相处。

∆gossip ['ɡɔsip] vi. & n. 闲话;闲谈


【英释】Gossip is informal conversation, often about other people'sprivate affairs.

【例句】He spent the first hour talking gossip.他头一个小时都在闲聊。

fall in love相爱;爱上

【例句】Slowly but surely she started to fall in love with him.


exactly [iɡ'zæktli] adv. 确实如此;正是;确切地

【助记】ex-out出 act行动→行动有了好的结果,说明行动是正确的。Exact ly。

【英释】You use exactly before an amount, number, or position toemphasize that it is no more, no less, or no different from what you arestating.

【例句】Each corner had a guard tower, each of which was exactly ten meters in height. 每个角落都有一座警戒塔,每座警戒塔正好10米高。

disagree[,disə'ɡri:] vi. 不同意

【助记】dis(不,否定前缀) agree(同意)→不同意。

【英释】If you disagree with someone or disagree with what they say, you do not accept that what they say is true or correct. You can also say that two people disagree .

【例句】They can communicate even when they strongly disagree.


grateful ['ɡreitful] adj. 感激的;表示谢意的

【助记】grate(感激) ful(形容词后缀)。Grateful to sb for sth.

【英释】If you are grateful for something that someone has given you or done for you, you have warm, friendly feelings towards them and wish to thank them.

【例句】She was grateful to him for being so good to her.他对她这么好,令她很感激。

dislike [dis'laik] n. & vt. 不喜欢;厌恶

【助记】dis(不,否定前缀) like(喜欢)→不喜欢。

【英释】If you dislike someone or something, you consider them to be unpleasant and do not like them.

【例句】David began to dislike all his television heroes who smoked.


join in参加;加入

【英释】If you join in an activity, you take part in it or become involved in it.

【例句】I hope that everyone will be able to join in the fun.


tip[tip] n. 提示;技巧;尖;尖端;小费vt. 倾斜;翻倒

【助记】来自top (顶),最上面的就是尖端的,提示都在最上面。

【英释】The tip of something long and narrow is the end of it.

【例句】The sleeves covered his hands to the tips of his fingers.


【英释】If you tip something somewhere, you pour it there.

【例句】Tip the vegetables into a bowl.把蔬菜倒进碗里。

∆secondly ['sekəndli] adv. 第二;其次

【英释】You say secondly when you want to make a second point or give a second reason for something.

【例句】You need, firstly, a strong independent board of directors and secondly, an experienced and dedicated staff.


swap[swɔp, swɔ:p] vt. 交换


【英释】If you swap one thing for another, you remove the first thing and replace it with the second, or you stop doing the first thing and start doing the second.

【例句】Despite the heat, he'd swapped his overalls for a suit and tie.


【英释】If you swap something with someone, you give it to them and receive a different thing in exchange.

【例句】I'd gladly swap places with mummy any day.什么时候让我和妈妈交换角色我都愿意。

item['aitəm] n. 项目;条款; 商品

【助记】it (信息技术)的项目(item)。


【英释】An item is one of a list of things for someone to do, deal with, or talk about.

【例句】The other item on the agenda is the tour.日程中的另一项是旅游。


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