Myna and Canary

There was a myna who imitated a canary in singing every day. Then he really succeeded in singing so vividly that he felt as if he were a canary. All the other birds in the forest praised him, saying, "How well he sings!"

"Yes, but not as beautifully as the nightingale." Said a bird of myna's singing. The myna was furious, but could not bear such a remark.

"Now, my friends," said the myna, "it is a piece of cake for me to learn to sing." So, myna sang a song that sounded like a nightingale's voice, but there was something wrong.

First it was like a bird, then it was like a lamb, then it was like a cat. At last the birds that had listened to him flew away.

My little starling, your song has sadly come to an end. Instead of singing like a nightingale, spend more time singing like a canary.

Don't aim too high, according to their own ability to choose their own things, so as to do well.

外国寓言故事题目 双语寓言故事二百五十三(1)



“好是好,但是不如夜莺唱得动听。” 有一只鸟儿这样评价八哥的歌唱。八哥听了十分恼怒,它可受不了这样的评价。

“且慢,我的朋友们,” 八哥说,“学夜莺唱歌,对我来说,不过是小菜一碟而已!” 于是,八哥就唱了一首歌,那首歌听起来很像是夜莺的声音,但是总有些不大对劲的地方。



