英语晨读五句话 英语晨读必备让别人相信你(1)

It's no secret that making a good first impression can go a long way. But aside from a smile and a firm handshake, you need one key trait to truly nail that initial meet-and-greet. We’ll give you a hint: Most people pay attention to what you say, not what you do.


A 2014 study revealed that the tone of a person’s voice can indicate whether or not they are trustworthy. The researchers asked 320 subjects to listen to 64 different people say the word “hello” and rate them based on one of 10 personality traits. Turns out, the participants generally agreed on which voices were trustworthy and which were not—even though the voices played for less than a second.


英语晨读五句话 英语晨读必备让别人相信你(2)
