


1. involve vt. 牵涉,涉及,包括,使参与(卷入)使参加:

involve sb. in (doing) sth.

be/get involved in/with

例:He was involved in the meeting.

2. delighted adj. 高兴的,快乐

① be delighted (that)… 很高兴…

② be delighted to do sth. 很高兴做某事

③ be delighted at/by/with 因…而高兴,对…满意

例:We are delighted you are coming to work with us.

We are delighted to see you here.

拓展:delight vt. 使高兴,使欣喜

n. 快乐,高兴,喜悦

① much to one's delight = to sb's great delight 使某人非常高兴的是

例:Much to my delight/To my great delight, he passed the exam.

② with delight 高兴地

3. unusual adj.不寻常的,独特的

It's unusual for sb. to do sth. 对某人来说做某事是不寻常的

例:It's unusual for her to start.

4. assist vt. 帮助,协助

assist sb. to do/with/in doing sth. 帮助某人做某事

辨析:assist help aid





例:She employed a woman to assist her with the housework.

拓展:assistant n. 助手,助理,售货员

come to one's assistant帮助某人

5. eager adj. 渴望的,热切的

(be) eager to do sth. 渴望做某事

(be) eager for sth. 渴求某事物

be eager for 热衷于

辨析:eager anxious都有"渴望"之意,



例:They are anxious about his health.

6. concentrate vt.& vi. 集中(注意力、思想)

concentrate one's attention on 把某人的注意力集中在…上

辨析:concentrate focus

concentrate 指把人或物集中在一起,也可指把精力、注意力集中于某一事物上;

focus 侧重于光热、射线等集中在某一点上,也可指把思想、注意力集中于某人某事上。


① fix/focus/concentrate one's attention on

② pay one's attention to

③ be devoted to

④ put one' s heart to

⑤ be absorbed in

例:I can't concentrate on my study with all that noise going on.

7. assess vt.评估,评定

①assess sth. (at sth.)估计,计算(数量、价值)

②assess sb./sth. as sth.评估,评定

拓展:assessment n.评定,评估,评价

make an assessment作出评估

8.inform vt.告诉,通知

① inform sb. of/about sth. 通知某人某事

② inform sb. that… 告知某人

▲ keep sb. informed of sth. 随时通知某人某事

例:Did you inform them of the progress of the work.

We'll keep you informed. 我们将随时通知你

9. depend on/upon

①depend on sb. doing sth.指望靠某人做某事

②depend on it that相信,希望

注:depend on 后不能直接接宾语从句,需先接形式宾语。

这样的还有see to ,answer for ,rely on, insist on,stick on等。

10. case n.[c] 情况,病例,案例

① in no/any case 绝不/不管怎样

② in that case 既然如此

③ in sb's case 就某人来说

④ the case 事实,实情

⑤ in case of 在…情形时,万一,如果

11. so as to (do)… 为了做…

so as not to do… 为了不做…

例:We hurried so as not to be late for class.

为了:so as to (不位于句首)

in order to (位于句首、句中)

so that /in order that(引导目的状语从句)

注:so as to 相当于in order to

① 句中动词不定式的逻辑主语必须与句子主语一致。

② so as not to do sth. 意为"为了不做某事"。

③ so as to do 引导的目的状语不可位于句首,

而in order to do引导的目的状语可位于句首,也可位于句中。

12. deny vt. 否认,否定,拒绝

① deny doing sth. 否认做某事

② deny that 从句

③ deny sb. sth./deny sth. to sb. 拒绝某人做某事

13. demand vt.强烈要求 n.要求

① demand to do sth. 要求做某事

② demand that… 意为"要求…",that从句谓语用虚拟语气。

③ demand sth. of/from sb. 向某人要求某事

④ meet/satisfy one's demands 满足某人的要求

⑤ in (great) demand (大量)需要

例:He demanded to see the headmaster.

The soldiers demanded that they should be sent to the area struck by the earthquake.

14. gifted adj. 有天赋的,天才的,聪颖的

be gifted at 在…方面有天赋

have a gifted for/of 对…有天赋

have a talent for 有…的天赋

例:He has a gifted of football.

15.ahead of


② 领先于,比…先进

拓展:ahead of time/schedule 提前

go ahead 尽管去做

16.accurate adj. 精确的,正确的

be accurate in/at在…方面准确

to be accurate确切地说

辨析:accurate correct exact

accurate "准确的"强调谨慎,小心的做到,与事实相符,同某一客观标准一致;

correct "正确的,对的" 指符合一般准则的正确无误;

exact "确切的",强调在质量数量上达到极端正确,准确的程度。

例:He would have to be accurate.

To be accurate, we arrived at the bus stop at 9 o'clock in the morning.

17.appointment n.约会,预约,职位

① have/make an appointment with 与某人约会

② keep/break one's appointment 守/违约

③ have/make an appointment to do 约好做

④ by appointment 预约

辨析:appointment date

appointment 指与人谈生意,与工作有关的约会;

date 指恋爱时的约会。

例:I have an appointment with them in the evening.

18. be to do sth.

① "必然",表示不可避免或注定要发生的事

② 表示按"计划、安排"即将发生某事或打算做某事

③ 表示吩咐、命令或禁止的语气,指该做或不该做

例:There is to be a concert on Sunday evening.

He was to strongly influence his life as a journalist.

19.accuse of vt. 控告,指责,谴责

accuse sb. of sth.指责/控告某人某事

辨析:accuse charge

accuse 是当面指控或指责,不一定诉诸法律,与介词of连用;

charge 指因犯重大错误或罪行而进行的正式法律诉讼,与with连用。

20.submit vt. 递交,呈递 vi.屈服

submit…to… 把…递交给…(vt. 递交)

submit to 屈从于(vi.屈服)

例:We can't submit to our fate.

21.senior adj.年长的,高年级的,高级的

① be senior to 比…大/年长

② be senior to sb. by…year(s) = be…year(s) senior to sb. 比…年长多少岁

拓展:junior adj. 年少的,资历较浅的

be junior to 比…年少的,比…资历浅的



① as引导原因状语从句,意为"因为,既然"常用来表示已为人知或显而易见的原因理由。

② as引导时间状语从句,意为"一边…一边…,随着…"。

③ as引导方式状语从句,意为"按照,如同,像…一样"。

④ as引导让步状语从句,意为"虽然,尽管"从句需部分倒装。

例: When in Rome, do as the Romans do.

The girl dances as she sings on the stage.

Child as he is, he knows a lot.

2.have a good nose for 对…有敏锐的嗅觉,对…很敏感

拓展:have an eye for对…有鉴赏力,对…很敏感

have an ear for 对(音乐等)有鉴赏力

例:The woman has a good nose for important events.

