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我们在交流中,很多时候脑袋里面的中文刚到嘴边,却又不知道怎么翻译怎么说,这时候经常会很尴尬,但是千万不要脱口而出说:How should I say...bla bla....。外国人一般不会这么说,今天来教你一个地道的说法"How should I put it?"。

how often应该怎么回答(我该怎么说不是)(1)


put it =express

How should I put it, it's really hard to say whether we agree with his plan or not.


I don't know how to put this. 我不知道该怎么说。

Let's put it this way. 我这么说吧。

Well put! / Nicely put! 说得好!

how often应该怎么回答(我该怎么说不是)(2)


put it there? 放哪里?


put it there 同意、可以,一言为定(可进一步意译为“握手”)

-So, do we have a deal? 因此,答应了哦?

-Sure, put it there. 当然!我们来握手庆祝吧!

how often应该怎么回答(我该怎么说不是)(3)

put 10 years on 看起来老了10岁

我们都知道put on 是“穿上”的意思,把十年都穿在了身上,也就是表示老了10岁啊

Lily's dress, the red one she wore at the annual meeting, really puts 10 years on her. Lily在年会穿的那条红裙子让她看起来老了10岁!

You look young.这句话是指你看起来年轻实际上很老,You don't look your age. 才是不符合年龄的年轻,是你看起来很年轻是意思。

put to sleep 弄睡,一般是用安眠药镇定剂等,有安乐死的意思

put to bed 哄人入睡

I'm going to take the dog down to the vet's and have her put to sleep. 我要把小狗带到兽医那里,让医生给它安乐死。

The house settled down after the children were put to bed. 孩子们被送上床睡觉后,屋子安静下来了。

办公室常用语put to sleep则指太无聊了,让人昏昏入睡

The boring meeting just put me to sleep.

how often应该怎么回答(我该怎么说不是)(4)

put it on the my tab 记住我账上

put 写下,记下

put it on repeat 单曲循环

put 让/ 试着 处于……(状态)

Just stay put, I'll get the door.你待在这,我去开门。

stay put 留在原地不动

put sb. out 使某人不方便;打扰

I don't want to put you out. 我不想给你添麻烦。

put on an act 装模作样

She often puts on an act before others. 她经常在别人面前装模作样。

put on 假装

But I can put on a brave face 但我可以假装出一副坚强面孔

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