青白玉(light greenish white jade)颜色介于白色和淡青色、淡绿色之间的软玉。一些浅色青玉和白玉相近时,区分有些含混,就称为青白玉了。其透闪石含量一般在98%左右。















手镯(bracelet; bangle ),是用金、银、玉等制的戴在手腕上的环形装饰品 。按结构,一般可分为两种:一是封闭形圆环,以玉石材料为多;二是有端口或数个链片,以金属材料居多。按制作材料,可分为金手镯、银手镯、玉手镯、镶宝石手镯等。








英文翻译:A neolite intermediate in color between white, light greenish, or light green. When blue jade of a few light color and bai yu are close, distinguish some ambiguous, call green bai yu. The tremolite content is generally about 98%.

Qing dynasty court jade was mostly made of jade materials from Hetian region in Xinjiang, mainly white jade, green jade, green jade, jasper. Under the same circumstances, the value of green jade between white jade and green jade. In qing dynasty palace jade, the most vessels made of green and white jade.

Hetian green and white jade pendant

In Chinese Taoism, the god of wealth is in charge of the world's financial resources. Chinese folk custom, New Year's Eve is the most lively day of the Spring Festival, people eat dumplings on New Year's Eve, stay up all night, waiting for the god of wealth, some people also send the god of wealth to the door, to the second day of the festival also sacrifice to the god of wealth. Now, in the first five days of the most popular welcome god of wealth. Sacrifice of the god of wealth and the god of wealth, the god of wealth zhao Gongming, Guan Gong, etc.; The god of literature and wealth for Gan, Fan Li, etc. In addition, people believe in the god of wealth and five saints, Chai Rong, the mother of wealth and public wealth, hehe 'er immortal, Li City immortal officer, Wenchang Emperor, shen Wansan, the living god of wealth, among which the belief of the god of wealth and the five saints is the most extensive.

The whole jade brand is auspicious, the classic image of the God of wealth, holding the banner, an abacus means the operator, business xinrong, get the God of wealth support, the vision of a better development.

Culture: oily and delicate texture, "color like cut fat" white, "often like fat dyed" luster, in line with the implicit aesthetic concept of Traditional Chinese culture, not publicity, not gorgeous, not dazzling, with a "pure inner beauty", attracted Chinese people for thousands of years. There is a mysterious charm in the beauty of suet jade, how many people infatuated, daughter dispersed also do not regret.

The ancient people on jade "five virtues", "nine virtues", "eleven virtues" all kinds of discussions, but also jade humanistic connotation to a sacred level.

Collection value: Since ancient times, "gold is valuable, jade is priceless". The hetian jade seed makings hangs, the color is with oily luster, stimulation, some can give slightly green in white, whole oil foot feeling, setting such as suet, starting with a warm, with the long storage temperature, and slow temperature erosion via expert appraisal, as a rare hetian suet white jade, hetian jade investment be attention all the time, a "crazy stone" report suet jade or one thousand times, Astonishingly, now xinjiang local also can not find suet jade, coupled with the government's ban on mining, the formation of ten jade nine Tibetan situation, making hetian jade prices rise.

Black jade is a kind of hetian jade, gray black - black. The color of black jade is often uneven, black is spotted, banded distribution. The richer the color, the higher the value. Ink, such as lacquer, is the most valuable.

Hetian jade black jade is a relatively rare resource, its formation for the general hetian jade formation time twice as much. It is formed because of the graphite content during the formation process, after a long period of cosmic rays, so the longer the time, the higher the graphite content and the darker the color.

Hotan black jade bracelet

Bracelet (bracelet; Bangle is a ring ornament worn on the wrist made of gold, silver, jade, etc. According to the structure, it can be divided into two kinds: one is the closed ring, which is mostly made of jade; Two is a port or a number of chain pieces, metal materials in the majority. According to the production materials, can be divided into gold bracelets, silver bracelets, jade bracelets, set gems bracelets.

A bracelet is different from a bracelet, which is usually a whole piece of structure. A bracelet can be worn with multiple small pieces in a chain around the hand.

The bracelet developed from a protective device in tribal times. It was originally a simple arm protector, and later developed into a ritual vessel, jade cong. Because it was bulky and inconvenient to carry, it gradually developed into a jade bracelet.

Visible its surface luster is like a mirror, indicating that its kind is very old, high density, high hardness, just have this kind of mirror light feeling, the surface is inlaid with butterfly-shaped gold ornaments, inlaid with an egg surface, as the finishing touch.

These two hetian jade, are accompanied by certificate of authority, and the quality of the finished product, now good hetian jade is very rare on the market, mostly from abroad of Korea, Russia is expected, and so on, the real xinjiang hetian jade is already can not make, also only in xinjiang hetian jade, have a great sense of embellish, top grade of hetian jade, in these two hetian jade quality perfect, It has high collection value.
