
Word of the Day : December 2, 2021



adjective SMAR-mee

What It Means

Smarmy means "behaving in a way that seems polite, kind, or pleasing but is not genuine or believable."

Smarmy 的意思是“以一种看似礼貌、善良或令人愉悦的方式行事,但并不真实或可信。”


Online reviews of the resort warned of smarmy street vendors when wandering from the tourist areas.


"Before [Daniel Craig], James Bond was portrayed by Sean Connery as suave and immovable; by George Lazenby as vulnerable and tragic; by Roger Moore as smarmy and loose…." — Aidan Whatman, Whatculture.com, 7 Oct. 2021

“在[Daniel Craig]之前,James Bond被Sean Connery描绘成精明、坚定的;被George Lazenby 描绘成脆弱、悲惨的;被Roger Moore描绘成谄媚、散漫的......。

Did You Know?

The history of smarmy is oily. Etymologists don't know where smarm (the verb from which it is based) came from, but they do know that it meant "to smear" or "to make smooth or oily" before gaining the meaning "to flatter." The adjective smarmy comes from the latter meaning.

smarmy 的历史是油腔滑调的。 词源学家不知道 smarm(它的基础动词)从何而来,但他们知道它的意思是“to smear「诽谤」”或“to make smooth「使圆滑」”,然后才获得“to flatter「奉承」”的意思。 形容词 smarmy 来自后一个意思。


Unscramble the letters to create a verb meaning "to gain favor by deliberate effort": TTEIIAARNG.

