
嗯,这样想很有道理,事实上今天介绍的touch base也是从棒球运动上垒这个动作(Touch base)延伸而来的日常用法,尤其广泛应用于北美的工商业领域。

简单地讲,touch base在口语中指的是沟通,交流和联系等。请看以下例子:

1) Touch base with your boss before you start work to make sure you understand the project.先和你的老板碰个头,问明白项目的情况再开工。

2) John and I touched base on this question yesterday, and we are in agreement. 就这个问题,我和约翰昨天交流了一下,并且达成了共识。

Touch base还有一层意思是交流近况,如下面这个例子:

3) I had a really good time in Paris. I touched base with some old friends and made a few new ones. 我这次在巴黎玩得很开心,联系上了一些老朋友聊了近况,还交了一些新朋友。

下次咱们再touch base一下大家的进展吧:)
