微信每一次更新表情,都会引发大家的热议。这一次,又一个经典表情发生了变化:大兵戒烟了!An iconic emoji on China’s most widely used social network has given up smoking.上周日,腾讯公司微博上传了微信表情更新前后的对比图,其中佩戴绿色头盔的“士兵脸”表情,一眼就能看出差别:标志性的烟卷,不见踪影。In a post Sunday on microblogging platform Weibo, social app WeChat’s parent company Tencent included before-and-after screenshots from the app’s emoji library, circling the “soldier face” emoji decked out in its army-green helmet. It’s not hard to spot the difference: In the current version, the helmeted head is missing its trademark cigar.
这条微博配文则只有短短几个字:最近……戒烟了[悠闲]。不过对于为什么做出这番修改,微信方面却没有提及原因。A single line of text included with the post reads, “Recently… quit smoking.” WeChat has been reticent to say more about what prompted the change.
据资讯网站《第六声》报道,微信方面因为其香烟有关的表情包近年来备受压力。WeChat has been under pressure to reconsider its tobacco-related messaging for years.据《北京日报》的文章介绍, 2017年起,北京市控烟协会首先开始关注社交媒体平台上的吸烟表情包。当时,志愿者向北京市控烟协会反映,新浪、QQ、微信等主流软件的表情包里有吸烟的表情。问题提出后,北京市控烟协会立刻同北京市网信办沟通,并推动各个平台下架吸烟的表情包。According to an article last Sunday by Beijing Daily, anti-smoking campaigners in Beijing first reported “smoking emojis” on social platforms like WeChat, Weibo, and QQ to the city’s tobacco control association in 2017. The association, in turn, lobbied the city’s cyberspace authorities to resolve the matter.报道显示,2017年9月,新浪微博首先撤除吸烟表情;同年11月,腾讯QQ客户端取消吸烟表情;不过微信方面一直没有做出回应。北京市控烟协会会长张建枢称,曾经私下联系过腾讯CEO马化腾,希望可以提升对吸烟表情包影响的意识。Both QQ and Weibo removed their tobacco-using emojis in late 2017, but WeChat’s smoking soldier persisted, seemingly undeterred. Zhang Jianshu, president of the Beijing Tobacco Control Association, told Beijing Daily his organization even personally contacted Tencent’s CEO, Ma Huateng — also known as Pony Ma — to raise awareness about the message the symbol was sending.张建枢表示,腾讯的决定虽然有点迟,但是其作为“国民软件”,带头禁烟起到了很好的表率作用,“企业尤其是知名企业应该体现责任与担当,为无烟中国做出贡献。”“Tencent’s decision has come a little late, but given that it’s such a ubiquitous social platform, it’s good that it has taken the lead as a no-smoking role model,” Zhang was quoted as saying. “Enterprises, and especially well-known ones, should shoulder the responsibility and do their part to create a smoke-free China.”2021年1月28日,微信IOS版本更新至8.0版,全新表情包上线,表示“悠闲”含义的大兵吸烟形象终于被换掉。2月28日,微信安卓版本也上线“戒烟”版表情包。张建枢称,相信大部分年轻人都会有这样一个共识:这个不抽烟的大兵,更酷!Zhang added that he hoped young people would agree that the non-smoking soldier is “much cooler” than his predecessor.