




[00:14.64]adj.& pron.每人,每个,各个



[00:26.19]I am hopeful that I will, and I am eager to debate

[00:29.95]again because today proved very successful!






[00:43.76]adj.早期的 adv. 提早;在早期




[00:59.08]n.[U]地球;陆地 v. 把(电气设备)接地

[01:09.38]For most of the earth’s history they have

[01:13.79]been the only form of life on our planet.




[01:23.42]adj.东方的 adv. 朝东 n. 东方





[01:39.89]The airport is so efficient, the taxis are so numerous

[01:44.32]and the roads are so good, that visitors arriving

[01:47.09]at Changi Airport, on the eastern tip of the island,

[01:51.00]twelve miles from the city centre,

[01:54.21]can reach their hotel rooms thirty minutes after stepping off the plane.




[02:08.71]vt.吃 vi. 吃;吃饭



[02:19.84]It has also had harmful effects on the ecology of the area,

[02:25.85]killing many plants and animals.









[02:53.26]Although more than 80% of children in developing

[02:57.59]countries go to primary school,

[03:00.23]about 115 million children are not being educated.






[03:18.64]n.影响;效果 vt. 使发生



[03:30.74]We believe that the efforts of the Chinese government

[03:35.34]and the Chinese people to protect

[03:37.74]this much-loved river will be appreciated for years

[03:40.38]to come by future generations.








[04:00.71]adj.埃及的;埃及人的 n.[C]埃及人










[04:21.47]pron.(两者中的)任何一个 adv.也

[04:28.70]The inspector began to look for fingerprints,

[04:32.47]while the constable checked that the front door locks

[04:36.91]had not been forced, thereby proving that

[04:39.73]the burglars had either used skeleton keys or entered over the balcony.


[04:46.67]n.[C]长者,前辈 adj. 年纪较长的






















[05:57.48]n.电子邮件 v. 给……发电子邮件



[06:10.27]My two children(the real human ones)love their

[06:14.32]animal siblings as much as I do, although

[06:17.68]my wife finds it rather embarrassing

[06:21.27]when I talk about my four children in public.








[06:46.07]vt.使用,采用 n.为某人工作








[07:09.47]n.末端,终点 v. 结束









[07:39.30]I’m feeling much more energetic and so much better!







[08:04.24]...engineers may soon be free to let t

[08:07.59]heir imaginations soar without being penalized by expensive failures.




[08:22.37]adj.英格兰人的;英语的 n.[U]英语






[08:45.62]vi.扩大;扩展 vt.扩大


[08:53.69]pron.充分,足够 adv. 足够地

[08:59.68]I had no sooner got back to the kitchen

[09:03.18]than the doorbell rang loud enough to wake the dead.




[09:16.26]vt.进入;加入 vi.开始讨论







[09:45.67]His friends were enthusiastic

[09:48.73]and encouraged him to publish his ideas, but Copernicus was cautious.




[10:04.48]n.入口;入场 vt.使出神








[10:28.15]n.[U]& vt. 妒忌;羡慕


[10:33.61]adj.平等的 v. 等于 n.[C]相等的事物



[10:46.41]Clearly this restriction must have operated

[10:49.75]at a time when there was no equality of opportunity for women.









[11:21.50]Messages which are sent without much thought or planning,

[11:25.85]with important details missing, or with spelling

[11:29.06]and punctuation errors, create a very bad impression.


[11:37.56]vi.爆发;喷出 vt. 爆发

[11:43.27]Tazieff was able to set up his camp very close

[11:46.89]to the volcano while it was erupting violently.


[11:54.12]vt.避开 vi. 逃脱 n. 逃跑

[11:59.95]With inventions like cell phones

[12:02.74]and hand-held computers it is becoming more

[12:05.40]and more difficult to escape from work—the boundaries

[12:08.73]between work and leisure are gradually becoming blurred,

[12:13.93]and in the future it will be harder and harder to get away from it all.



[12:30.33]Fortunately, however,

[12:32.70]ancient men made tools of stone, especially flint.






[12:52.06]adj.欧洲的;欧洲人的 n.[C]欧洲人



[13:04.75]The analyser monitors the subject’s

[13:08.38]voice patterns and inflections,

[13:10.76]and electronically evaluates their relative

[13:13.52]stress patterns to determine if they are lying or not.









[13:51.60]Eventually, the soldiers made a breakthrough

[13:55.64]and the D-Day landings were successful.











[14:31.86]This is true of everyone as accidents

[14:34.38]affect drivers of vehicles as well as cyclists and pedestrians.






[14:54.21]n.证据,证明 vt. 证明



[15:06.35]But it was evident that ideas were changing in the 13th century...











[15:50.22]Today, when scientists examine mummies,

[15:53.72]they wear special clothing to protect themselves.








[16:17.27]n.交换;交流 vt. 交换

[16:23.39]China’s rapid development and the increasing

[16:27.13]number of international companies registering to do business

[16:30.78]in China have led many of overseas Chinese to

[16:34.26]exchange living abroad for a new life in China.












[17:18.40]n.练习,习题 v. 锻炼



[17:31.38]exist vi.存在;生存

[17:37.22]They laid eggs too and existed

[17:40.56]on the earth for more than 140 million years.



[17:55.74]Now mass-produced clothes made with synthetic fibres

[18:00.90]are endangering the existence of traditional hand-crafted garments.


[18:08.70]n.[C]出口,通道 vi.& vt. 退场


[18:16.10]vt.& vi.扩大;增加 vi. 详述

[18:22.68]It would be beneficial to expand our recycling industry,

[18:27.70]and teach people about environmentally friendly ways of living.





[18:50.64]The explosive growth of email has created new problems,

[18:55.55]mainly because there has never been a

[18:58.72]definitive guide to common standards and expectations.










[19:34.94]n.[C]专家;行家 adj. 熟练的

[19:40.93]Pushy parents may be doing their children more harm than good,

[19:47.51]says Washington-based childcare expert Matthew Melmed.







[20:15.20]Her novels were revolutionary for the explicit

[20:18.51]way they described women struggling against

[20:21.13]their restricted roles in society.


[20:26.84]vi.爆炸;突然爆发 vt. 使爆炸



[20:41.59]Tricycles are worth using if you want to explore

[20:45.35]the narrow alleys (hutong) of old Beijing.


[20:53.45]v.输出,出口 n.输出

[20:59.73]Now Dr. Yuan has another dream:to export his rice so

[21:04.16]that it can be grown all over the world.




[21:18.37]vt.表达 adj. 明确的 n. 快车



[21:33.57]We should use short words and simple expressions,

[21:37.18]short sentences and paragraphs which are clear

[21:40.82]and concise but still courteous.



[21:54.18]We have almost come to see our mobiles as indispensable

[21:58.50]extensions of our bodies and I, for one,

[22:01.73]feel as if something is missing if I ever leave home without it.





[22:24.16]“I believe that each of us has non-conscious machinery

[22:28.16]to do extraordinary art, extraordinary memory,

[22:30.87]extraordinary mathematical calculations,” he told the Daily Mail.




[22:48.52]n.[C]眼睛 vt. 审视,细看



