第五天 读终极英语单词12000 第二册Level4 部分,计划每天学30个左右,一个月争取读完单词的例句都是从近期英美报刊中节选最新例句,今天小编就来说说关于怎样一分钟记住1到10的英语单词?下面更多详细答案一起来看看吧!



第五天 读终极英语单词12000 第二册Level4 部分,计划每天学30个左右,一个月争取读完。单词的例句都是从近期英美报刊中节选最新例句。











minority 少数民族 少数派

as a result, the government has not had to contend with fears over whether it may cause blood clots in a small minority of people that receive it.

deceive 欺骗 行骗

She uses the metaphor of vaccinating society against disinformation—“preemptively exposing people to weakened rumors so that they build up mental immunity against attempts to deceive them.”

jewelry 珠宝

So did staff at a luxury jewelry store and a steakhouse in the Gold Coast, one of the city’s ritziest neighborhoods, as well as members of a suburban church and the family of a Loretto doctor.

declare 宣布 声明

In a sign of its frustration, Tesla yesterday declared its support for a lawsuit against the German government over its climate plans.

innocent 无辜的 清白的

Rep. Hastings had long insisted that he was innocent, saying he had been “set upon by . . . warlocks.”

decline 下降 衰退 婉拒

Saudi Arabia’s reputation has declined a lot in the last three years and it has failed toattract the foreign investment that it wanted,” she said.

timely 及时的 适时地

Westley’s 210-ball vigil was a timely double boost.

enterprise 企业 事业

The US Treasury Department announced yesterday that it had imposed sanctions on a Myanmar state-owned gems enterprise in an effort to curtail the junta’s ability to generate revenues, according to a statement.

apparently 显然 似乎 表面

Sexual violence is apparently the fault of societies “where vulgarity is on the rise”, by which he means places like Britain;

discourage 阻止 劝阻

Overwrought sentiments are discouraged (though historical graves offer many); bland quotations from scripture or hymns are preferred.
