
比利时导演卢卡斯德霍特的最新影片《亲密》在举世闻名的奥斯卡电影颁奖典礼上获得了“最佳国际影片”提名。除了此电影以外还有四部来自其它国家的电影被提名,即德国的《All Quiet on the Western Front》、阿根廷的《Argentina, 1985》、爱尔兰的《The Quiet Girl》和波兰的《EO》。


“Close”, the newest film by Belgian director Lukas Dhont, has been nominated for “Best International Feature” at the world-renowned cinema award ceremony, the Oscars. The Belgian movie is facing four other international movies, including “All Quiet on the Western Front” from Germany, “Argentina, 1985” Argentina, “The Quiet Girl” from Ireland and “EO” from Poland.

Close is a movie about two thirteen-year-old boys, Leo and Remi, whose friendship gets suddenly disrupted. The movie has already received the Grand Prize at Cannes (France) and has won other prizes and been nominated in various categories in many countries such as Canada, Uruguay, Brazil, United Kingdom, United States etc.





The winner in this category will be decided of Sunday 12 March. Be sure to tune in if you want to know who’s won!

Have you seen Close? What did you think of it? Will you be rooting for our movie?

