看到今天的标题,你肯定会吓一跳,是啊,把你的头从云里钻出来吧!这个短语并不难理解,Stop daydreaming or fantasizing and focus on reality. 停止白日梦或幻想,专注于现实。其实就是劝别人不要再胡思乱想了!你想啊,成天把自己的脑袋埋进云里的主儿,肯定不是在做白日梦、就是心不在焉的在走神儿呢!
1、Come on, man, get your head out of the clouds—we only have an hour left to cram for the test!
2、Get your head out of the clouds and watch where you are driving! You're going to kill us all.
别胡思乱想了,开车时要注意方向! 你会把我们都杀了的。
3、It's about time Leonard got his head out of the clouds and did some real work!
好了,与此相对,还有另一个短语 head in the cloud,相信大家一下就都能猜到了,没错,它就是在说一个人心不在焉,脑子里装的都是些不切实际的想法;用来形容想法飘飘然、好高骛远。是不是很好记呢?而它的反义词就是“have one's feet on the ground; be down-to-earth(脚踏实地)。”
head in the cloud
好高骛远;不切实际;白日做梦;做白日梦、心不在焉的;胡思乱想,思想开小差; 虚无飘渺 (事情)不落实,不现实
【En】If you "have your head in the clouds", it means that you're not being realistic or that you are daydreaming. Basically it means that you are out of touch with reality. 如果你“have your head in the clouds”,意思是你不现实,或者你在做白日梦。基本上,它意味着你脱离了现实。Impractical, aloof, or fanciful to the point of being very unhelpful or counterproductive. 不切实际、冷漠或幻想到非常无助或适得其反的地步。
【活学活用 give an example】
【例】You can't always have your head in the cloud,you need to be down-to-earth.
【例】Don't always have your head in the clouds when you're having a class. Remember?
【例】The report he wrote was very optimistic; I think he has his head in the clouds.
他写的报告非常乐观; 我认为他这是不切实际太理想化了。
【例】Rather than having his head in the clouds, he needs to be brought down to earth.
【例】He can't continue going around with his head in the clouds; he must be realistic about his problems.
他不能再继续做白日梦了; 他必须现实地看待自己的问题。
【例】Is your boss detail-oriented, or someone who keeps his head in the clouds?
【例】You've been wandering around with your head in the clouds for almost a month, you look like you're sleepwalking most of the time.
【例】That sort of head in the clouds thinking is not getting us any closer to a workable solution.