
Eat like a horse: To eat large quantities of food. 吃得像头马:形容一个人食量非常大,吃得很多

When Kelly is on medication, he eats like a horse and when he is off, he has almost no appetite at all.


Kim is staying for dinner, and she eats like a horse, so you better make some extra food.


John works like a horse and eats like a horse, so he never gets fat.



Used since the early 1700s. The idiom alludes to the idea that horses eat a lot. They seem to eat constantly and will eat whatever is available.



If someone says that you eat like a horse, it mean you are eating, or have eaten, a lot of food. In some instances this is a compliment while in others it’s an insult. It all depends on the situation and the people involved.

使用:如果有人说你eat like a horse,意思是你正在吃或已经吃了很多食物。在某些情况下,这是一种赞美,而在另一些情况下,这是一种侮辱。这完全取决于语言的情景以及涉及的人。
