
1.march n.示威游行

  1. cost of living n.生活成本
  2. crisis n.危机
  3. gather v.集合,聚集
  4. protest against v.对抗,抗议
  5. lack of n.缺少
  6. tackle v.解决
  7. protester n.抗议者
  8. parliament n.议会
  9. rally n.集会
  10. secretary n.秘书
  11. the general secretary n.秘书长
  12. appause n.掌声
  13. cheers n.欢呼
  14. give a speech v.发表演讲
  15. speech n.演讲
  16. the crowd n. 观众,群众



1.march n.示威游行

cost of living n.生活成本

crisis n.危机

gather v.集合,聚集

protest against v.对抗,抗议

lack of n.缺少

tackle v.解决

protester n.抗议者

parliament n.议会

rally n.集会

secretary n.秘书

the general secretary n.秘书长

appause n.掌声

cheers n.欢呼

give a speech v.发表演讲

speech n.演讲

the crowd n. 观众,群众
