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golden decade


It is important for BRICS countries to exchange governance experiences as the bloc strives to usher in its second "golden decade", a senior official said on Thursday.


➤在近日举行的金砖国家治国理政研讨会上,中宣部常务副部长(executive vice-minister of the Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China Central Committee)黄坤明指出,加强治国理政经验交流(exchange governance experience)是金砖国家领导人的重要共识(important consensus)。

➤黄坤明表示,金砖国家处于相近的发展阶段(undergo development at a similar stage),面临共同的风险挑战(face shared challenges)。加强治国理政理念和实践经验的交流,相互学习借鉴(learn from each other),对各国走好今后的道路,实现更大发展具有重要意义。

➤国家主席7月28日会见来华出席金砖国家会议的代表时指出,只要我们秉持开放、包容、合作、共赢的精神,携手建立更加紧密的金砖伙伴关系(make joint efforts for closer ties with the spirit of openness, inclusiveness, cooperation and win-win),就一定会迎来金砖合作的第二个"金色十年"(usher in its second "golden decade")。


金砖 BRICS plus

黄金时代 golden era

黄金年 golden year

全球全面战略伙伴关系 global comprehensive strategic partnership

合作机制 cooperation framework


terror attack


At least four suspects have been killed in Cambrils, a town south of Barcelona, in an operation responding to a terror attack in Barcelona in which 13 people have been killed and more than 100 others injured on Thursday, police said Friday.


➤一名目击者称,17日下午,一辆高速行驶的白色面包车冲上兰布拉大道中央的步行道,以之字形前进,撞倒行人(a white van traveling at speed had entered the walkway running along the centre of the Las Ramblas and mowed down pedestrians as it zigzagged along)。此后,涉案货车司机徒步逃走(flee on foot)。警方目前已拘捕了两名嫌疑人(arrest two suspects),封锁了这条大街并下令关闭了商店以及附近的地铁和火车站(order stores and nearby Metro and railway stations to close)。这是西班牙自2004年3月以来遭遇的伤亡最为惨重的袭击事件(the deadliest attack in Spain since March 2004)。

➤“伊斯兰国”宣称对此次致命袭击事件负责("Islamic State" claimed responsibility for the deadly rampage),但未就此给出更多证据或细节(give no further evidence or details)。若证实此次事件真是伊斯兰激进分子(Islamist militant)所为,那么这将是过去13个月里发生的一连串的袭击事件中最新的一起(be the latest in a string of attacks in the past 13 months);在这些事件中,歹徒利用交通工具在欧洲多座城市街头制造大屠杀(use vehicles to bring carnage to the streets of European cities)。

➤专家分析称,此次事件也是最新一起针对标志性或"软性"目标的汽车袭击案(a vehicle attack on an iconic or "soft" target)。一年前在尼斯,法国国庆日的庆祝活动曾是袭击目标(Bastille Day celebrations were targeted),随后是柏林圣诞节的市场。此后,伦敦,西敏寺和伦敦桥以及芬斯伯里公园(Finsbury Park)也纷纷沦为袭击场所,轿车和货车都被用作了武器(cars and vans are used as weapons)。专家表示,袭击中所用的武器都是现成的(be readily available),并不需要经过培训,也无需协作或计划(no training, co-ordination or planning required);这意味着情报机构(intelligence services)很难提前锁定嫌犯目标。


紧急状态 state of emergency

反恐 counter-terrorism

安全意识 safety awareness

恐怖威胁等级 terror threat level


white supremacy


US President Donald Trump denounced white supremacist groups on Monday, two days after a white-nationalist rally turned deadly in Virginia, and earned him wide criticism for failing to respond more forcefully earlier. Charlottesville mayhem underscores growing US white supremacy movement, commenters say.


➤当地时间11日晚,白人至上主义团体(white supremacist group)在美国弗吉尼亚州夏洛茨维尔市集会时与反示威活动者(counter-protester)爆发冲突。白人种族主义者(white-nationalist)开车冲撞人群,造成1死19伤。

➤暴力冲突发生后美国总统特朗普的表态招致广泛批评。公民权利和人权领导会议组织称:"特朗普谴责'多方的仇恨、偏执与暴力行为(hatred, bigotry, and violence on many sides)'。但这不是多方的问题(this isn't a many sides issue),而是白人至上主义(white supremacy)的问题,是不争的事实。"参议院财政委员会主席、共和党要员哈奇表示:"我们应该直呼魔鬼的名字(we should call evil by its name)。我的兄弟当年为抗击希特勒付出生命(give his life fighting Hitler),我们现在不能让纳粹思想(Nazi ideas)在国内横行。"

➤面对巨大的舆论压力,特朗普14日终于明确表态,称暴力冲突是"种族主义(racism)"。他表示,种族主义是恶魔(racism is evil),那些以种族主义之名煽动暴力的人,包括三K党(KKK)、新纳粹主义(neo-Nazi)、白人至上主义以及其他厌恶我们作为美国人所珍视的东西的仇恨组织(other hate groups which are repugnant to everything we hold dear as Americans)都是罪犯和暴徒(criminals and thugs)。


种族主义暴力 racist violence

极端团体 extremists group

极右翼支持者 far-right supporter

种族问题引发的冲突 race-fueled clash


shared gyms


A number of shared mini gyms have come into use in some residential communities in Beijing recently.


➤每间共享运动仓(shared gym)的面积约为5平米(cover an area of about 5 square meters),里面配有跑步机、WiFi、电视机和空调(equip with a treadmill, WiFi, a television and air conditioning)等设施,用户可以在跑步的时候听音乐、看电影、上网或查看电子邮件(users can listen to music, watch a film, access the internet or check emails while running)。

➤与单车租赁服务(bike hire service)类似,用户在使用迷你运动仓前需下载手机应用(mobile app),进行相关注册并支付押金(pay a deposit)。此后用户可通过手机应用进行线上预约(make a reservation online)、扫码开门(scan the QR code to open the shared gym's door)并入内健身,其收费标准为0.2元/分钟。

➤有些人很喜欢这种迷你运动仓,称这种设施既方便、价格低廉(convenient and low cost)又便于人们在闲暇时间健身。但也有不少人认为,共享迷你运动仓功能单一(be single-function),里面唯一供人使用的健身器材就是跑步机(the only fitness equipment they provide is a treadmill)。此外,迷你运动仓一次仅供一人使用(only be used by one person at a time),意味着这种设施并不像传统健身房那样能够作为人们交际的场所(place to socialize)。


共享汽车 car-sharing

共享睡眠舱 shared sleep cabin

分享经济 sharing economy

共享平台 sharing platform


robot monk


The WeChat account of a robot monk in Beijing that uses artificial intelligence to speak with the public started communicating in English on Wednesday - although it still refers many questions to its master.


➤"贤二机器僧"是以北京龙泉寺(Longquan Monastery)创造出来的"贤二"漫画形象为原型,由北京龙泉寺僧众(monks)、志愿者(volunteers)和人工智能(artificial intelligence)领域专家共同创造出来的会说话的机器人(talkative robot)。贤二机器僧像僧人一般身着黄色长袍(dress in a yellow robe like a Buddhist monk),能感知周围环境(sense its surroundings)、接受指令做出相应的肢体动作、诵读经文和播放佛教音乐等。

➤2015年开通微信账号后,贤二机器僧可在线上用中文作简单交流(interact in simple conversations),其话语中充满佛教智慧(Buddhist wisdom),颇为机智,被称为佛教界的"Siri"。16日,贤二机器僧的微信账号正式开通英语交流功能,截至17日下午5时30分,已收到英语问题4.2万个。遇到不能回答的问题时,贤二就会回答:"我得去问问师父(I need to ask my master)。"据悉,其背后的机器人团队共翻译了3700段日常对话以及约2000个常用词,每天会根据用户提出的问题更新机器人的数据库(update the robot's database)。


仿真机器人 humanoid

类脑 brain-inspired intelligence

英语菜鸟 English novice

提供技术支持 provide technological support

编辑:丁一 彭娜 陈丹妮


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