


1、celebrate v. 庆祝(仪式庆典等);(尤指以社交集会形式)庆祝,欢庆;赞美、歌颂。

辨析celebrate congratulate

celebrate sth 庆祝某事,指使人高兴的事或日子(宾语是事)

congratulate sb on sth /doing sth


拓展 celebration n. 庆祝 庆贺

in celebration of 为了庆祝

2、starve vt. vi. 使饿死,饿得要死

考点 starve to death / be starved to death 饿死

starve to do sth 渴望去做某事

starve for 渴望获得,迫切需要,缺乏

be starving 饿极了 eg.

The patient's brain starved for oxygen.

3、belief n.信心,信念,信仰,相信,依赖

考点 one's belief is that….

=It's one's belief that…

某人相信… eg

It's my belief that we rely on our effort to solve problems.

have (no) belief in 不相信

beyond belief 令人难以置信 eg

His ability to solve a puzzle is beyond belief.

have / hold belief that … 相信… (that引导的是同位语)

shake one's belief in 动摇某人对… 的信心

拓展 believe in sb = have belief in sb =trust sb. 信任某人

4、trick vt n.

考点 ① n.(c)诡计 恶作剧 窍门

Play a trick / tricks on sb 捉弄某人

②vt 欺骗、诈骗

trick sb into doing sth 诱使骗得某人做某事eg

He tricked me into taking apart the machine.

trick sb out of sth 骗取某人某物

链接 cheat sb into doing sth


cheat sb out of sth =cheat sb. of sth.


fool sb into doing sth


make fun of 取笑

laugh at 嘲笑

Play a joke /jokes on sb


5、gain vt. 获得,得到,受益,收获

考点 gain a good reputation


gain weight / speed / time


gain one 's respect / trust


gain two minutes (钟表)快两分钟

辨析 earn 赚得,挣得 尤指通过某种服务、劳动或工作而获得

get 以某种方式或手段得到某种东西

obtain 通过努力工作奋斗或请求得到所需要的东西

gain 通过努力或有意识的行动而获得某种有益或有利的东西

6 、gather v. 聚集、集合、收拢、归拢(东西)采集、收获、收割

拓展 gather ... around 聚集、 集合

gather in 收割、 收获

gather together 聚集起来,合拢

gather up 收拾起来

辨析 gather 收集用法广泛,指把人,分散的东西或抽象的东西聚集起来

collect 收集,侧重其计划性和选择性,指有计划有条理,有一定目的地收集

7、award n vt

考点 ①(c)n. 奖、奖品、奖金

win/get an award for 因为...而获得 eg l always dream of winning an award in competition.

②vt 授予、给予、奖给、赏给、判给

award sb. Sth. = award sth. to do


辨析 award 奖、奖品、奖金。强调奖赏、奖励作动词时可接双宾语

reward 报答、酬劳、不指某种荣誉,强调报酬,回报

reward sb. with sth.

8、admire vt 赞美、钦佩、羡慕

考点 admire sb. for sth


区别 envy 嫉妒 envy sb. sth.


9、custom n. 风俗习惯

辨析 custom 社会的风俗、习惯

habit 个人的习惯

practice 惯例,即可表示个人的也可表示社会的习惯。

10、fool n. adj vt

考点 (1)n.[c] 愚人、白痴、受骗者 adj 傻的=foolish

make a fool of 愚弄、捉弄

(2)vt 欺骗、愚弄

fool sb. into doing sth

欺骗某人做某事 eg.

He fooled me into believing that he was somebody famous.

fool sb. out of sth.


11、permission n.[u] 许可、允许、准许、同意

考点 ask sb for permission =ask permission of sb.


give sb. permission to do sth.


with one's permission =with the permission of sb


without permission

未经允许 eg.

we can't hunt here without permission

拓展 permit vt. Vi. 允许、许可、容许 n. [c] 执照、许可证

12、apologize v 道歉、谢罪、辩白

考点 make /offer an apology 道歉

accept/refuse an apology 接受/拒绝道歉

apologize to sb. for doing sth. 因(做)某事向某人道歉

13、forgive(forgave forgiven)原谅、饶恕、宽恕

考点 forgive sb. Sth.


forgive sb. for(doing)sth.


14、take place 发生、举行

辨析 take place 发生、举行 指经过事先安排的事情

happen (偶然)发生,带有未能预见的意思

occur 发生、想起

It occurs to sb. that


break out 指战争、火灾、疾病等的突然爆发

come about 发生、产生,用于疑问句否定句

15、in memory of 纪 念、追念、怀念

考点 have a good / bad memory for


bring back memories


拓展 in n. of

in honor of 纪念

in place of 代替

in possession of 拥有持久

in need of 需要

in favor of 赞同、有利于

in charge of 负责、掌管

in search of 寻找

in praise of 赞扬

16、dress up 盛装、打扮、装饰

拓展 dress sb./oneself 给...穿衣

be dressed in 穿着(状态)

辨析 dress 强调动作,给自己或别人穿衣服

put on 强调动作,穿上戴上,具体衣服

wear 强调状态,穿着戴着 可用进行时

have on 强调状态且静止,穿着戴着

17、keep one's word 守信用,履行诺言 (反义词:break one's word)

拓展 eat one's words 收回前言,认错道歉

take back one's words 收回某人的话

have a word with sb. 与某人交谈

in a word 简而言之,概括地讲

18、hold ones breath 屏息、屏气

拓展 take a deep breath 深呼吸

lose ones breath 喘不过气来

out of breath 气喘吁吁地

eg They held their breath to listen to the president's speech being broadcast.


1、as if/ though 好像

The country covered with cherry tree flowers and it looks as though it is covered with pink snow.

2、it is obvious that... 是显而易见的、明显的

It was obvious that the manager of the coffee shop was waiting for Li Fang to leave.

3、so 主语 助动词/be/情态动词 的确如此

so he will so he did so it is

so 助动词/be/情态动词 sb 某人也这样

so did Mary/ so can he

4、 It was obvious that... 很明显...

= It was clear/ apparent that...



