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Improved human well-being is one of the greatest triumphs of the modern era. The age of plenty has also led to an unexpected global health crisis: 2 billion people are either overweight or obese. Developed countries have been especially susceptible to unhealthy weight gain. However, developing countries are now facing a similar crisis.


the age of plenty 中的“plenty”表示“富裕,富足”

plenty: a large amount of something, or a large number of things or people, usually more than enough


obese: too fat, in a way that is dangerous for your health


susceptible to


susceptible: easily influenced or affected by something


e.g. The poor may be especially susceptible to such scams.


Walking with weights makes the shoulders very susceptible to injury.


He's highly susceptible to flattery.



Obesity rates have peaked in high income countries but are accelerating elsewhere. The combined findings of the World Health Organization and the World Bank showed that in 2016 Asia was home to half the world's overweight children. One quarter were in Africa. This crisis will test the political resolve of governments that have focused on ending hunger. These governments must understand that the factors making cities convenient and productive also make their residents prone to obesity.



World Health Organization世界卫生组织

World Bank 世界银行

be home to 是……所在地

resolve: firm determination to do something 决心;坚定的信念

This crisis will test the political resolve of governments that have focused on ending hunger.

这句话要注意一下主从句的时态,主句This crisis will test the political resolve of governments 用的是一般将来时,that引导的定语从句时态用的是现在完成时。因为完成时表示动作已经结束,所以翻译的时候要注意后半句要把时态体现出来

prone to 易于……;有……的倾向

I was prone to meditating on time and age.


I was prone to anger and depression.



Urbanites enjoy a variety of foods. International fast food chains are flourishing in developing countries. The health risks of such diets are compounded by the sedentary lifestyles of Urban dwellers. People’s leisure time is also being occupied by television, movies, and video games in a growing number of households.


urbanite n. 都市人

compound: to make a problem or difficult situation worse 使加重,使恶化

sedentary: involving a lot of sitting and not much exercise 需要久坐的;惯于久坐不动的

sedentary lifestyle 久坐的生活方式

sedentary work 静态工作

Obesity and a sedentary lifestyle has been linked with an increased risk of heart disease.




The alarming implication of these trends is that developing countries may become sick before they get rich. That sickness may, in turn, cripple health systems. The yearly healthcare costs in Southeast Asia from obesity-related complications like diabetes and cardiovascular disease are already as high as $10 billion. Such diseases are an added burden on countries already struggling to manage primary health care needs.


alarming implication 在这里是指“可能的后果,可怕的影响”。

alarming: frightening or worrying 使人害怕的;扰乱人心的

at an alarming rate 以惊人的速度

The disease has spread at an alarming rate.



Our countryside is disappearing at an alarming rate.


The rainforests are disappearing at an alarming rate.


implication: a possible effect or result 可能的影响(或作用、结果)

by implication: 含蓄地;暗示地

The implication was plain, if left unstated.



cripple: to damage something severely, or to prevent it from working properly


A total cutoff of supplies would cripple the country's economy.



He had been warned that another bad fall could cripple him for life.



complication:something that makes a medical condition more dangerous or difficult to treat 并发症

Blindness is a common complication of diabetes.



diabetes 糖尿病,注意它是一个单数名词

cardiovascular disease 心血管病(cardio 表示“心;心脏”, vascular表示“血管的”)

struggle to 挣扎;奋斗

struggle:to try hard to do sth. that you find very difficult

At the other end of the scale , life is a constant struggle to get enough to eat.




Policies related to taxation, urban design, and education may help control obesity at a lower cost than eventual medical treatment for an increasingly overweight population. Some governments have already intervened to control obesity by implementing taxation on unhealthy foods and drinks.





主语policies related to taxation, urban design, and education 谓语may help control 宾语obesity 状语at a lower cost

than之后的句子:主语eventual medical treatment for an increasingly overweight population (省略了谓语和宾语 helps control obesity)

intervene: to become involved in a situation in order to try to stop or change it 干预,干涉

intervene in 干预;插手;调停

The problem lies in deciding when to intervene.



Thailand, Brunei, and Singapore have adopted the soda tax. South Africa is likely to introduce a sugar tax beginning in April 2018. The city of Berkeley in California recognizes that taxes alone are not enough to address obesity. The city’s sugar tax revenues are used to support child nutrition and community health programs. This underscores the importance of education.


Brunei 文莱

address: to try to deal with a problem or question 处理,设法解决

address climate change 应对气候变化

underscore: to emphasize something, or to show that it is important

强调; 凸显......的重要性


There is also promise in many initiatives. Urban design holds significant power to reshape lifestyles and public health. Improving the attractiveness of public space can draw residents out of their cars and living rooms. A recent study of urban neighborhoods in Shanghai and Hangzhou found that residents living in more walkable neighborhoods enjoy better health than residents who lived in less walkable neighborhoods in urban China.


promise: signs that someone or something is likely to be successful in the future


Their future was full of promise.



walkable 适于步行的;可以走去的


Finally, healthier lifestyles begin in grocery store aisles. Governments should encourage tighter connections between agricultural production systems, urban grocers and food vendors. Such initiatives can also help urban residents better understand how food is sourced. This raises awareness about the relationship between natural foods and healthy lifestyles.


healthier lifestyles begin in grocery store aisles 这句话看字面意思有些难理解,其实它指的就是“更健康的生活方式源自食品杂货店通道中的天然食品”。所以这句话也可以翻译成“更健康的生活方式源自天然食品”。

initiative 是指“倡议”的意思,在这里指代之前提到的“鼓励农业生产系统、城市杂货商和食品商贩三者之间加强联系”。


Combining controls on unhealthy foods with policies that encourage healthy eating and active lifestyles can reduce obesity rates. Improving public health is an important policy developing countries should take from both an economic and social point of view. To quote the recent Global Nutrition Report, reducing obesity will boost global development.


quote: to say or write words that someone else has said or written 引用

quote from 引用自

The poem is too long to quote in its entirety.



