

China Daily用到了以下几种方式描述“地摊经济”。

The government will provide support for the street-stall and small-store economy and inject new vitality into the Chinese economy.

Vendor Economy Prospers

On May 27, the national cultural-ethical civilization office dropped effective management of vendors and other roadside businesses in the city as a criteria for deciding if a city can be given the "civilized city" title.

In less than a week, one city after another has introduced policies that will benefit vendors, rejuvenate the roadside economyand benefit a wide group of people.

可见,“地摊经济”可以翻译得很灵活,译为street-stall and small-store economyroadside economy或者vendor economy都是可以的。

地 摊

地摊经济的核心是摆地摊,“地摊”和“路边摊”可以用roadside booth/stall/stand来翻译。



★ booth可指一个小隔间或两面、三面围起来的小空间,可以是电话亭、雅座、售货摊、展位等;

★ stall一般侧重于那些在集市上的摊位;

★ stand更侧重于独立的摊位。

实际使用时灵活选择就好啦。开设路边摊这个“开设”的动作,可以用set up

摊 主

如果你赶这波潮流去摆地摊,成为一名“卖家”“商贩”,那么就可以称为vendor。“街边摊主”则可以说street vendor,同理,“流动商贩”就是mobile vendor

顺便说一下vend,这个动词是“出售、贩卖”的意思,它衍生的vending则可以作为名词的“贩卖”来用,比如大家常见的“自动售卖机”就是vending machine
