
1. Class begins!上课。

2. Now let’s begin our class.上课。

3. Class is over.下课。

4. Well, that’s the end of our class.下课。

5. Be quiet! 安静!

6. Silence, please. 安静!

7. Stand up, please. 起立!

8. Sit down, please. 坐下!

9. Sit up/well. 做好!

10. Quickly! 快!


11. Hurry up! 赶快!

12. Too slowly! 太慢了!

13. Loudly! 高一些!

14.Look at the blackboard/your books. 看黑板/书!

15. Look at me/her/him. 看我/她/他

16. Come to the front, please. 请到前面来。

17. Come to the blackboard, please. 到黑板这里来。

18. Go back to your seat, please. 回去。

19. Do you have any questions? 你们有问题吗?

20. Understand? 明白吗?


21. Clear? 明白吗?

22. Pardon? 再说一遍好吗?

23. Can you hear me? 能听见吗?

24. Can you see it / the blackboard? 能看到它/黑板吗?

25. Listen and do the action. 听并做动作。

26. Listen and point.听并指

27. Listen and repeat. 听并重复。

28. Listen and answer the question. 听然后回答问题。

29. Listen read and spell the words. 听读并拼出这些单词

30. Listen and read twice for each word. 听并把每个词读两遍。


31. Read and write. 读并写

32. Write it on the blackboard/in your exercise book/workbook/ a piece of paper 把它写在黑板上/你们的练习本上/活动用书/一张纸上

33. Have a try. 试一试Try again, please./Once more, please. 再试一次/再来一遍。

34. Pay more attention to this, please. 请注意这一点。

35. Put up your hands/Raise your hand/Hands up. 举起手来。

36. Put down your hands/ Hands down. 放下手。





如果你正面临:背单词、记语法,孩子学习太枯燥无趣 ;孩子学习任务重,参加各种培训班均虎头蛇尾;没办法了解孩子的学习效果

