




[00:14.58]n. (口)爸爸;爹爹


[00:20.13]n.[C]日报 adj. 每日的 adv. 每天

[00:25.98]Festivals let us enjoy life, be proud of our customs

[00:31.30]and forget our daily life for a little while.




[00:43.69]n.[U]损害;损毁 vt. 损害

[00:49.69]Fires caused by the California Earthquake did the most damage.


[00:58.87]adj.潮湿的 vt. 使潮湿 n.[U]潮湿


[01:08.09]n.[C]& v. 跳舞





[01:20.62]So in spite of the dangers of quicksand as well as the tide,

[01:26.87]the brave father of three waded out for over

[01:29.97]a mile to guide them off the sandbank in a race against time.




[01:42.62]adj.丹麦的;丹麦人的 n. 丹麦语


[01:50.31]vt.问(某人)有没有胆量 vi. 敢;胆敢


[02:02.26]adj.黑色的,深色的 n. 暗处




[02:15.48]n.猛冲 vt.& vi. 猛撞 vi. 猛冲





[02:32.57]The intelligent navigation system in this 2010 model

[02:36.76]can choose the best route for you by monitoring

[02:40.09]an online traffic database for hold-ups,

[02:42.75]while the cruise control keeps a constant distance from the car in front.


[02:51.11]n.[C]日期;海枣 v. 确定年代




[03:02.11]n.黎明;开端 v.开始清楚










[03:33.72]n.交易;待遇 v. 发牌






[03:55.32]n.辩论,争论 vt.& vi. 辩论








[04:19.22]vt.& vi.决定;下决心



[04:28.97]Rather than trying to keep these wild teenagers out, Camila made a highly courageous decision:that she should open her doors to them too.


[04:44.28]vt.宣布;声明 vi. 宣布结束赛局


[04:52.92]n.下降;衰退 v. 谢绝






[05:20.16]vi.& vt.减少,减小 n.减少




[05:36.06]adv.深深地;在深处 adj. 深的




[05:47.10]vt.击败,战胜 n. 失败

[05:52.38]Waterloo was his final battle. He was defeated

[05:57.13]by British and Prussian forces.



[06:08.40]Australia has a federal government

[06:11.34]responsible for matters that affect people

[06:13.87]all over the country, such as defence, foreign policy and taxation.


[06:25.13]vt.辩解 vi.& vt. 保卫;防守




[06:43.41]vi.& vt.延期;耽搁 n. 延期





[07:00.52]Some things are collected deliberately in

[07:03.87]the home in an attempt to avoid waste.



[07:14.45]My friends always thought I was too delicate,

[07:17.95]but living away from home in such a remote place

[07:21.70]taught me to be more independent.




[07:34.91]vt.使高兴 n. 高兴






[07:52.07]vt.& vi.强烈要求;需要 n. 需求

[07:58.31]There will also be a rise in the demand for health care professionals.











[08:32.78]Whether life will continue on the earth for

[08:36.35]millions of years to come will

[08:39.01]depend on whether this problem can be solved.


[08:46.38]n.存款;保证金 vt. 使沉积

[08:52.23]In 2000, it was reported that 23.4 billion tons of

[08:56.43]untreated human and industrial sewage was deposited into the river.





[09:23.60]It can properly be described as the first ‘home computer’

[09:29.19]and it pointed the way to the future.




[09:44.11]vt.遗弃 vi.& vt. 开小差 n.沙漠




[09:58.71]n.设计;图案 vt. 设计

[10:03.98]He designed the first “web browser”,

[10:08.03]which allowed computer users to access documents from other computers.


[10:16.54]n.欲望;要求 vt. 渴望

[10:22.00]Dogs and cats may have a limited vocabulary of barks and meows,

[10:27.96]but that’s not enough to express their innermost fears and desires.









[11:01.53]It is a popular tourist destination as it is

[11:05.76]close to the famous Inca ruins of the city of Machu Picchu.







[11:24.82]In order to determine your audience,

[11:27.74]you will need to do a little research.


























[13:06.43]n.日常饮食;日常食物 vi. 节食





[13:30.32]These days, it is differences in national regulations,

[13:35.08]far more than tariffs, that put sand in the wheels

[13:38.67]of trade between rich countries.




[13:50.37]adj.困难的,艰难的; 难以取悦的

[13:57.65]The operation,which lasted for over four hours,

[14:01.52]proved to be very difficult because of the hard resin

[14:05.99]which covered the skin.



[14:15.86]A Londoner has more difficulty understanding

[14:19.07]a Scotsman from Glasgow than understanding a New Yorker.



[14:30.09]The army organized teams to dig out those

[14:33.59]who were trapped and to bury the dead.


[14:41.93]vt.吸收 vi. 消化 n.[C]文摘









[15:14.68]Beijing opera roles require performers to

[15:17.72]paint their faces in patterns and colours to

[15:20.53]help display the dimensions and depth of the character’s personality.







[15:46.89]However, we regret to inform you that

[15:49.69]“Walking with Dinosaurs” is out of print this moment in time,

[15:53.34]although we are endeavouring to acquire

[15:57.63]a copy from one of our retail outlets.








[16:19.91]adj.直接的;直达的 vt. 指挥

















[17:14.62]What we should do about the increasing number

[17:18.24]of “borrowed words” in our vocabulary is

[17:21.32]something people disagree about.





[17:42.48]Stone does not decay, and so the tools of

[17:46.66]long ago have remained when even the bones of the men

[17:51.00]who made them have disappeared without trace.





[18:07.98]He was disappointed because he had not performed

[18:12.69]well in the 1988 Seoul Olympics.




[18:27.34]vt.打折扣;低估 n.[C]折扣


[18:35.85]v. (使)气馁;打消;阻止













[19:21.26]Doctors have been trying to find out whether

[19:25.33]the woman died of a rare disease.








[19:55.45]v. 不喜爱;厌恶




[20:09.24]n.距离;远方 vt. 疏远



[20:21.25]It will soon be sending us the clearest pictures of

[20:25.39]the stars and distant galaxies that we have ever seen.




[20:41.56]vt.使杰出;使具有…的特色 vi.& vt. 区别

[20:48.97]Here was a chance for me to distinguish myself by

[20:52.88]inventing something that would catch snakes but not harm them.










[21:37.30]vi.潜水;跳水 n. 潜水




[21:53.61]v.划分;除 n.[C]分水岭

[21:59.43]England can be devided into three main areas.




[22:15.88]n.离婚 vt. 使离婚 vi. 离婚



[22:27.02]Watching Harry’s first ride on a flying broomstick

[22:31.10]could make you feel dizzy, and the school sport of Quidditch is amazing.


[22:41.65]vt.进行 vi. 做 n.[C]社交聚会






[23:02.03]aux. v.做;工作


[23:07.14]n.[C]狗 vt. 跟踪;尾随












[23:48.20]n.[C]点;小点 vt. 加小点于…



[23:58.78]Politicians agree,in principle, so America

[24:02.96]and the EU have been trying to reach a deal

[24:06.72]which would eliminate the need to double-test many products.


[24:14.93]n.& v.怀疑;疑惑


[24:20.23]prep.沿着(街道、河流)而下 adv. 向下 n.沙丘






[24:47.83]adv.往闹市区 adj. 市中心的 n. 市中心






[25:12.78]n.[C]草稿;汇票 vt. 起草


[25:20.27]vt.拖累 vi. 缓慢而吃力地行进 n. 拖累

[25:28.02]By this time, however, three men had come into

[25:31.80]the ring and they quickly dragged the drunk to safety.


[25:40.01]n.[C]平局 vt. 绘画 vi. 抓阄






[25:56.73]vt.& vi.梦想;做梦 n.[C]梦想

[26:02.45]Have you ever dreamed of being in front of

[26:06.51]thousands of people at a concert,

[26:08.58]with everyone clapping and enjoying your singing?


[26:15.26]n.服装;婚纱 v. 穿衣

[26:20.59]In the play,she must appear in a bright red dress

[26:24.88]and long black stockings.


[26:31.84]n.训练 vt. 训练 vi. 钻(孔)


[26:41.45]v.喝,饮 n. 饮料


[26:48.86]n.驱动器 vi. 开车 vt. 推动

[26:54.84]The heat almost drove me crazy even though

[26:57.78]I was wearing very thin cotton trousers to keep me cool.




[27:11.70]n.[C]滴 v. 掉下,落下


[27:18.51]n.[C]药;毒品 vt. 使服麻醉药


[27:26.88]n.[C]鼓 v. 击鼓




[27:35.94]adj.干的;干燥的v. 使…干




[27:47.07]adj.到期的 n.应付款 adv. 正向










[28:18.07]n.[U]灰尘 vt. 撒(粉) vi. 拂去灰尘






[28:39.15]adj.荷兰的;荷兰人的 n. 荷兰人








