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Recently I saw a short video on the Internet, roughly content is this: one day the general manager of a company went to the branch factory to investigate the work, and he asked the branch factory responsible person where to go. The site responsible person Xiao Wang replied, before going out in the morning, Yang factory director told him that he went out to handle business today. At that time, because this general manager is anxious to find Yang factory director to confirm the new product delivery date of the problem, then conveniently made a phone call to Yang factory director, asking him where is the person now? Yang factory director hesitated for a long time to tell the truth that his old father was ill in hospital. At the moment, he is in the hospital with his old father to see a doctor. How embarrassing!

May most people think that because the factory director Yang was usually cautious and conscientious work on the feelings, as well as his filial piety for children, this matter will be handled as appropriate, lenient. But to our surprise, Yang was demoted to a grass-roots employee because he took advantage of his position to go out on public affairs and failed to report truthfully.

After watching this video, Dashan remembered an incident that happened around him some time ago, which was similar in nature to this case.

An employee accidentally dropped a product on the floor while delivering material. At that time he held the lucky psychology, thinking the product outer packing was strictly solid, it would be ok. He put the dropped product back on the cart without unpacking it. Colleagues in the quality department found the problem of bruising when inspecting the material. They reported the problem according to normal incoming material and returned the goods. The supplier, after receiving the return, was suspicious. The product packaging protection measures were no problem, and there was no knock on the way of delivery. How can there be batch bad? Later, after repeated communication and investigation, it was found that the material clerk, Xiao Zhao, accidentally fell to the ground when he was transporting the product from the warehouse to the inspection room, causing the injury.

As the direct supervisor of Xiaozhao, Dashan indecisively thought that since the employee had recognized the mistake and performed well in his usual work and the product of the fall had already negotiated with the manufacturer to assist in repairing. In view of this incident, it was all right to circulate criticism in the internal regular meeting.

Unexpectedly, Dashan's handling of this incident caused a cross-functional dispute, which eventually escalated to the department director. The employee broke product concealment. In the process of investigation of the incident, he did not take the initiative to take responsibility, which was against the corporate culture of "integrity" two words, and it belonged to the nature of fraud. Zeng had asked immediately make dismissal processing and announced it in the whole company, as an example.

Quality is all around us. Honesty is the spirit of enterprise culture. Therefore, incidents that violate corporate culture must be dealt with seriously. We need to make a circumstance to let every employee to jointly protect the spirit of corporate culture. No matter what the original intention is, the person must be in good faith first. If you lie about small things, how can you get a foothold in the world and achieve great things?


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