Which 5-letter word has 6 left when you take away 2 letters away?


[玫瑰]译句: 哪个五个字母的单词在去掉两个字母后还剩个6?

​​[玫瑰]letter/'lɛtɚ/ n. 信, 函件, 字母


by letter 以书信形式

invitation letter 邀请函

letter of recommendation 保荐信,介绍信

application letter 申请信,申请报告;求职信

business letter 商业信函

capital letter 大写字母

recommendation letter 推荐信


• He says he'll write a letter soon.


• All proper nouns begin with a capital letter.


• This is an invitation letter from him. I will stay with him and his family in their home.


​​​[玫瑰]take away 带走,拿走,取走


Take away the pain 带走痛苦

eat in or take away 店内吃或外卖

take your breath away 使大吃一惊;使人高兴得说不出话来


• We shall take the treasure away to a safe place.


• Readers must not take away books in the reference library.


• " Takes your breath away" means it is wonderful.

“Takes your breath away” 的意思是太壮观了。

Take it away and eat it where you like in the park, on the bus, or while you walk down the street.


