
先看上次的练习答案剑桥英语语法精华6 -- 情态动词的用法和相关比较

  • 用 can 或者 be able to 完成句子:
    She _can_ drive but she hasn't got car.
    Ask Catherain about your problem. She might _be able to _ help you.
    I can't understand Martin. I 've never _been able to_ understand him.
  • 用musn't 或者don't/doesn't have to 完成句子:
    I don't want anyone to know. You _mustn't_____ tell anyone.
    He _doesn't have to ___ wear a suit to work but he usally does.
    I __musn't ___ eat too much. I 'm supposed to be on diet.
  • 根据所给情境,用neen't have done 造句:
    Brian had no money, so he sold his car. A few days later he won some money in a lottery.
    He _needn't have sold his car.
  • It's turn to learn the new lesson! 我们来上新课----


    专题七 --- 《情态动词2》


    i. 结构:主语 should (not) 动词原形

    ii. I think / I don't think / Do you think...? 后面的从句常用should:

    iii. should 与must的区别:should 没有must 语气那样肯定:

    iiii. 用于表示希望做或者发生的事情:

    v. should have done sth : 表示不应该做某事:

    2、had better 与 should 的比较

    i. had better 只用在表示某一特殊情况,should用在提出看法劝告的所有情况。

    ii. had better 表示不这么做会有困难或者是危险,should 只是意为it is a good thing to do it.

    3、can / could / would you。。。?的用法

    i. 表示请求做事:

    ii. 表示给予:

    iii. 表示允许:

    iiii. 给予和邀请:

    I 'd like...是表达愿望的一种客气的说法:I'd like to try on this jacket, please.



    1. 用should 括号内的动词完成下列句子:
      She ________ the exam. She's been studying very hard. (pass)
      YOu missed a great party last night. YOu _________ (com)
      I am i a difficult position. What do you think I ________ ? (do)
    1. 用 should 下列动词完成j句子: buy keep phone wait
      ' Shall i leave now?' 'No, I __________ a bit longer.'
      'Shall I throw these things away?' 'No, you ________ them. You may need them.'
      'Shall I go and see Paul?' "Yes, but you _______ hime first.'
      'Do you think it's worth repairing this TV set?' 'No, you ______ a new one.'
    2. 根据下列情况,完成对话:
      *-* You are on a bus. You have a seat but an elderly man is standing. You offer hime your seat.
      You: ____________________________________________
      Man: Oh, that's very kind of you. Thank you.
      *-* A Friend of yours is interested in one of your book. YOu invite hime to borrow it.
      Friend: THis book looks very interesting.
      You: Yes, it's very good. _____________________________



