








提醒: 如果括号中给出的词是动词, 偶尔会考查词性转换。



1) George is going to talk about the geography of his country, but I’d rather he____ (focus)more on its culture.

2) By the time Jack returned home from England, his son_______(graduate) from college.

3) It is the most instructive lecture that I ________(attend).


1) The book _______( translate) into thirty languages since it came on the market in 1973.

2) Up to now, the program ________ (save) thousands of children who would otherwise have died.

3) Tom _________ (work) in the library every night over the last three months.


1) ---Is everyone here?

---Not yet. Look, there_______(come) the rest of our guests!


1) The palace caught fire three times in the last century, and little of the original building _______(remain) now.

5. 通过语境考查时态

1) We________(work) on this project for four hours. Let’s have a rest.

2) —That must have been a long trip.

—Yeah, it______(take) us a whole week to get there.

3) —What a mistake!

—Yes. I _______ (suggest)his doing it another way, but without success.

4) Selecting a mobile phone for personal use is no easy task because technology _______________(change) so rapidly.

5)Sara______(write) a book about China last year, but I don’t know if she has finished it.

6)——Look! It’s already 12 now. It’s time for you to go to bed .

——Sorry, I ______(not notice).

7)I called Hannah many times yesterday evening, but I couldn’t get through. Her brother (talk)on the phone all the time!

8)——Sorry, I_____(forget) to post the letter for you.

——Never mind. I____(post) it myself after school.

9)——I will come to attend your lecture at 10 tomorrow.

——Sorry, by then my lecture______(end) and I______(meet) my guests in my office.

10)–Guess what, we’ve got our visas for a short-term visit to the UK this summer. 高考资源网

--How nice! You (experience)a different culture then

6.考查get done结构

1) Cleaning women in big cities usually get_____(pay) by the hour.

2) While crossing the street, he got______(knock) over.


ago …did…;in the past …did…; in the past /last… …have(has) done… ;so far / up till now …have(has)done…;since(自从) …have(has) done…; the other day …did… ;by 将来时间 …will have done… ;by 过去时间 had done

1) So far this year we ______ (see)a fall in house prices by between 5 and 10 percent.

2) With the help of high technology, more and more new substances ______ (discover) in the past years.

3) By this time tomorrow we _____________(repair) the machine.

4)---Would you like to join us in playing the game?

---I’m sorry, but my homework ______(finish) by now.


1) It is / has been some time since…did….. (自从…以来有…时间了)(本句式考点:1.时态 2.理解 3. 连词)

It is ten years since I lived here.

2) It will be/take some time before…do….. (还要一段时间才…)(本句式考点:1.时态 2.连词)

It will be a long time before she returns from abroad.

3) It was/took some time before…did…. (过了一段时间才…)(本句式考点:1.时态 2.连词)

It was five years before he finished the experiment.

4)…had no sooner done…than…did…. (一…就…) (本句式考点:1.时态 2.倒装)

…had hardly(scarcely) done…when… did…. (一…就…)

He had no sooner entered the classroom than the bell rang.

5) 祈使句(谓语动词为原形),and / or 陈述句(一般将来时)(本句式考点:1.祈使句中谓语动词的形式 2.陈述句的时态)

Turn on the television or open a magazine and you _____ (see) advertisements showing happy families.6) It is (high) time that…did / should do…. (该是做…的时候了)

7) It is the first / second…time that…have(has) done…. (这是某人第一次/第二次…做…的时候)

This is the first time we______(see) a film in the cinema together as a family.

8) By the time…do…, …will have done….

By the time… did…, … had done….

By the time he arrives there, they _______( finish) all the work.

When I talked with my grandma on the phone, she sounded weak, but by the time we ____ (hang)up, her voice had been full of life.


would (should, might, could) do…, but…do / will do….

would (should, might, could) have done…, but... did….

Mr. White should have arrived at 8:30 for the meeting, but he ______(not show) up.


…do / will do…, or / otherwise would (should, might, could) do…

… did…, or / otherwise would (should, might, could) have done…

They_____(get) two free tickets to Canada, otherwise they’d never have been able to afford to go.

10)It / That /This is the 最高级 n. that…have (has) done….

11) Sb would rather that…did / had done…. (某人宁愿…)

12) wish that…did / had done / would do…

How I wish every family _____ (have)a large house with a beautiful garden!

13) If only…did / had done / would do…. (要是…就好了)

--- Look at these black clouds. It _______ (rain) soon

--- Sure. If only we ________ (come) out.


(1) Sb was/were doing sth when…did…

(2) Sb was/were about to do sth when…did…

(3) Sb…had done…when…did…

15)……as if/though 主语 did/would do/had done…好像……

Alan talked about Rome as if he______(visit) there. But in fact he hasn’t yet.

16)…had expected / wanted / hoped / wished / planned / intended / meant to do sth, but……did…….

….expected / wanted / hoped / wished / planned / intended / meant to have done sth, but……did…….


1) I ________(expect) to come over to see you last night, but someone called and I couldn’t get away.

2) We had wanted to come to see him, but we ____(have) no time.



1.连系动词类 连系动词按其所表示的意义可分为以下4种: 1.变化类,如become, go, turn, grow, get, fall, come 等。2.感觉类,如feel, smell, taste, look, sound look等。 3.保持类,如keep, remain, stand, lie, stay等。此类连系动词具有以下特点:(1)没有被动语态 (2)后面只能接名词或形容词

1)---Do you like the material?

---Yes, it ____(feel) very soft.

2) ---Take this medicine 3 times a day, Mike.

---Do I have to take it? It_____(taste) so terrible.

2. 当open, close, shut, lock, move等用作不及物动词且表示主语的某种属性时,通常用主动形式表示被动意义:

1) The door won’t _______(shut).

2)The supermarket doors _______(shut )automatically.

3. 当sell, read, wash, clean, cook, cut, wear, carry等用作不及物动词且表示主语的某种属性时,通常要用主动形式表示被动意义:

1) The cloth _______(wash) well.

2) The book ______(sell) quickly.

3) This cheese______( not cut) easily. It’s too soft.

4. 某些表示开始和结束的动词(begin, start, finish, end等),当主语为事物且不强调动作的执行者时,可用主动形式表示被动意义:

1)The play _______(end) at ten o’clock.

2)A Midnight’s Dream____(start) at the Theater Royal on June 19 and then tours throughout Scotland.

5.注意一些特殊词的语态:表示“发生”的动词,如:happen, come about, take place, occur, break out等(无被动态);表示“追溯到,起源于”的词组,如;date from, date back (to)等(无被动态,只能用一般现在时);表示“属于”的词汇,如;belong to等(无被动态,无进行时态);表示“剩下”的remain(无被动态),表示“用完,用尽”的run out ,give out,表示“由...组成”的consist of(无被动态), 表示“称”的weigh ,表示“测量”的measure等(无被动态) sb/sth prove to be n. / adj.

It___(measure) 100 feet in____(long) by over 10 feet in_____(high) and ____(weigh) more than 30 tonnes.

