单词 “break” 既可以作动词,也可以作形容词和名词使用,我来为大家科普一下关于break构成短语?以下内容希望对你有帮助!



单词 “break” 既可以作动词,也可以作形容词和名词使用。

1. 作动词,表达 “打破” 某物,或某物 “破碎,碎裂”。

He broke the window to get into the house.

Oh no! I sat on my glasses! But thankfully they didn't break!

2. 作动词,表达机器等物品不能正常运转,“弄坏,坏掉”。

Why is my laptop not working? Don't tell me it's broken!

My phone broke down. It's too old.

3. 作动词,用来描述 “超越成绩,打破纪录”。

Have you seen that new horror film? It broke all the box office records!

Once again, this athlete (美[ˈæθˌlit]英[ˈæθliːt]n.运动员) has broken the world record!

4. 作形容词,通常与 “news” 搭配,用来表达新闻、消息是 “突发的,最新的”。

I get breaking news notifications on my phone.

5. 作名词 ,表达 “(短暂的)休息,休息时间”。

It's time for a break!

Come back inside class, children! Break time is over.
