
By the way, was that you I saw getting pulled over by a policeman?


pull over: 靠边停车,开到路边停靠,pull sb over, 就是让某人靠边停车的意思,比如:

Would you pull over please. 能请你靠边停下车吗?

Excuse me. Could you pull over at the next corner? 麻烦您,可以在下个转角处停车吗?

Let me just pull over, all right? 让我先把车停好,行吗?

Pull over, I mean it. Pull over or I will jump out of the car. 停车,我说真的。再不停车我就往下跳了;

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Yeah, the boys were acting up in the car, I couldn't get them to sit down.


sit down: 坐下,平时我们请人就坐,除了客气地说 sit down please, 如果双方都非常熟悉,还可以说:take a seat, have a seat 找个位子坐下来,或者 pull up a chair 拉把椅子过来,都是比较随意的说法。

act up: 调皮捣蛋,这里的 up, 副词,和我们常说的 What’s up 发生什么事了,里面的 up 意思类似,都有发生,出现了异常的,令人不愉快的事情的意思。act up,按字面意思理解,就是行为举动异常出格,以至于让人感到不愉快,甚至特别头疼。

所以日常一般用 act up 来形容小孩子的胡闹,捣乱,或者成年人行为出格,明知故犯地违反禁令,比如聚众闹事,打架斗殴之类。

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Young boys can be so willful.


willful: adj. 任性的,恣意妄为的,比如:

rich and willful:有钱就是任性;

a willful child:一个任性的孩子。

除了形容一个人的性格倔强固执可以用 willful,这个词还可表示故意的,成心的,的意思,比如我们听到的 willful murder, 是故意杀人,蓄意谋杀的意思,而 willful damage, 指蓄意破坏,willful tax evasion, 则指故意逃税。

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I try everything. I scream, I threaten, I reason, I beg, nothing works.


scream: v. 尖叫,发出尖啸声;向着某人高喊,大吼;

nothing works: 全都不起作用,都不管用,都行不通。

I don't know if it's because they're too young and they don't understand, or they're just getting some perverse joy out of testing me!

翻译:我不知道是不是因为他们太小什么都不懂,还是因为仅仅觉得和我作对好玩就来... 考验我的底线。

test: v. 测验,考察,考验;

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perverse: adj. 乖张的,违逆的,有悖常理的,perverse joy,违逆的乐趣,比如雇员对老板,下属对上级,孩子对父母,一般在行为方式上都应该是一种听话并服从命令的关系,但有时候因为饱受压迫或抵触心理等原因,会让听令方产生一种违逆的,不顾理智的冲动,去从明知故犯中得到一种一意孤行的快乐,或者说满足感,这就是一种 perverse joy, 或者说 perverse pleasure。来看几个例句:

Why did such perverse things give him such pleasure? 为什么他就要干这些明知故犯的事情来寻开心呢?

How perverse of you to evade the issue so neatly. 你可真会讲歪理,把事情都推得一干二净了;

A perverse person stirs up conflict, and a gossip separates close friends. 一意孤行之人搅起纷争,而流言蜚语离间密友。

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My mother used to have the worst time with me in the car, so one time when I was acting up, she stopped and left me on the side of the road, and she drove off.


on the side of: 在……边上,比如,on the side of the road:在路边上;on the side of the river: 在河边上;on the side of the door: 在门边上;on the side of the table: 在桌子边上。

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drive off: 把车开走,驾车离去,这里的 off, adv. 和 run off, walk off, go off 中的 off 意思相同,都是离开(某处)的意思,来看例句:

They drove off together. 他们一起开车走了;

I just saw her drive off. 我刚看见她开车离开了;

Someone could’ve driven off with the children and you wouldn’t have even noticed. 也许会有人开车把孩子们拐走了而你甚至还没注意到。



