导航意思: 强壮的


解析: athletic 指身强体壮、健康活跃且擅长体育运动的。

例句: He is an athletic runner.

翻译: 他是个体格健壮的赛跑运动员。

例句: He is an athletic 45-year-old man with the body of a 30-year-old.

翻译: 45岁的他身体健壮,有着30岁小伙子的体能。

例句: He looked physically very powerful, athletic in a compact way.

翻译: 他看上去非常强壮,像个敦实的运动员。


解析: brawny 指身体魁梧健壮、肌肉发达的,常可与 muscular 换用。

例句: The muscles of his arms are very brawny/muscular.

翻译: 他手臂上的肌肉非常结实。

例句: His brawny/muscular chest is as strong as iron.

翻译: 他那肌肉发达的胸部像铁一样结实。


解析: muscular 指肌肉结实、发达的。

例句: Her husband is handsome and muscular.

翻译: 她的丈夫英俊潇洒,身体强壮。

例句: Like most athletes, she was lean and muscular.

翻译: 跟大部分运动员一样,她身形清瘦,肌肉结实。

例句: As a general rule, all muscular effort is enhanced by breathing in as the effort is made.

翻译: 通常,肌肉的力量能通过使劲儿吸气增强。

accelerate 同义词(同义词辨析athletic)(1)
