

What's an incredibly american thing americans don't realize is american?有哪些美国人觉得没什么,但其实特别美国的东西?

评论翻译sharkseditionUniversities in Europe are simply institutions of higher learning, nothing more.欧洲的大学只是高等教育机构而已,没别的了。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处Americans would be surprised by the cultural differences when it comes to university education. There are no athletic teams, no Greek life, no 30 foot climbing walls at universities in Europe. You come to school to learn and leave when your classes are over for the day. If you want to study, you can go to the library, but there is very little that a university offers outside of academia.美国人在大学教育方面会因为文化上的巨大区别而感到惊讶。欧洲的大学里没有运动队,没有兄弟会和姐妹会,也没有30英尺高的攀岩墙。你来大学里就是学习的,今天的课程结束之后你就走了。如果你想要学习,你可以去图书馆,但是除了学术之外,一所大学能够提供的东西非常少。thisperson345"Where are you from?"“你是哪里人?”Australian: Australia Japanese: Japan Indian: India American: Texas澳大利亚人:澳大利亚 日本人:日本 印度人:印度 美国人:得克萨斯fancyllamapants-I used to work in a call Center that took calls from Americans and Canadians. I’d ask “Where are you from, Canada or the US?” Canadians would say “Canada” and American would say “Texas” or “New York” etc. Never ever would they reply with their country name.我曾经在一个呼叫中心打电话,那里接待的都是美国人和加拿大人的电话。我会问,“你来自哪里,加拿大还是美国?”加拿大人会说“加拿大”,但美国人会说“德克萨斯”或“纽约”之类的。从来没有人会回答自己国家的名字。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处FlygonsGonnaFlyMight just be me, but I do notice when you ask Americans on the internet where they're from, they reply with either a state or a city instead of their country.或许只有我一个人这么想,但是我确实发现当你在网上问美国人他们来自哪里的时候,他们要么回复的是州的名字,要么回复的是城市的名字,而不是自己的国家。原创翻译:龙腾网 http://www.ltaaa.cn 转载请注明出处The thing is, it doesn't cause any confusion, since most people know most American states and at least the major cities.而且重点在于这不会导致任何的困惑,因为绝大多数人都知道美国的绝大多数州叫什么,以及至少那些主要城市叫什么。You don't often see an Indonesian person, for example, say they're from West Java. Just that they're from Indonesia.但举个例子,你不会经常看见一个印尼人说他来自西爪哇。他只会说他来自印尼。RedSpikeyThingI also find that Americans oft include where they were born. For example "I'm from Philly but originally from Jersey.我还发现美国人经常会加上自己是哪里出生的。比如说,“我来自费城,但我是新泽西出生的。”Edit: I understand that the US is big and has many different regions. I'm Canadian and find that Canadians typically don't answer that way, despite being very large.编辑:我知道美国是个大国,有很多不同的地区,我是个加拿大人,但我发现加拿大人通常都不会这么回答,尽管加拿大也很大。grumined100%. Small nuance: I don't think it's where you're born, rather where you were raised.太准确了。小的修改:我觉得那个不是你出生的地方,而是你长大的地方。It makes a lot of sense actually. I grew up in Miami but have been living in NYC for a few years now. If I travel to Texas and someone asks me where I'm from, if feels wrong to say Miami because I haven't lived there in 7 years and it's changed a lot since I've been a resident.... but at the same time, I can't really say I'm from NYC because I'm not a native New Yorker and saying you're from NYC pretty much means you grew up there. So it makes sense to say both.其实也挺说得通的。我在迈阿密长大,但是已经在纽约市住了好几年了。如果我现在去得州,遇到人问我是哪里的人,我觉得说自己是迈阿密人并不对,因为我已经七年没去过迈阿密了,并且它的变化已经很大了……但是与此同时,我也不好说我是个纽约人,因为我不是土生土长的纽约人,但是说我来自纽约的话差不多就意味着我是在纽约长大的。所以两个都说清楚是说得通的。NylundI’ve lived in 7 states, but only just moved to the latest one, but I haven’t lived in my “childhood” state in 20 years, so when someone asked where I’m from, I’m never really sure what to say.我在七个州生活过,但最近才搬到第七个州,而且我也有二十年没有在“童年时代”的州生活过了,所以有人问我来自哪里的时候,我真的不太确定自己该说什么。tacticoolnukesOn a similar note, Americans seem to use England, Britain and the UK completely interchangeably. Likewise, I've had an Irish colleague of mine tell a story abkut how he spent 5 minutes having to explain the difference between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland and that just because he's from Ireland doesn't mean he's from the United Kingdom.类似的,美国人似乎觉得英格兰,不列颠和联合王国这三个词用起来完全没有区别。我有个爱尔兰的同学跟我讲过,他花了五分钟的时间向一个而美国人解释北爱尔兰和爱尔兰共和国的区别,以及他来自爱尔兰不代表他来自联合王国。sparksbetI'm an American who moved to Germany and people ALWAYS say this like it's some weird thing we do, but whenever I get asked where I'm from and just say "the US", the next question is ALWAYS which state/city. Without fail.我是个在德国住的美国人,人们总是说起这一点,就好像是我们的怪癖一样,但是每次我被别人问我是哪里人,然后我回答“美国”的时候,下一个问题永远是哪个城市或者哪个州。leanykaI think that the common expectation about this dialog in European brain is like - ask where they are from, get a country. If country is big/known to you, then ask where exactly. If the country is small or you have no knowledge of it, then you say ok, cool. At least I heard it multiple times, when someone says they are from Italy, then they are often asked if from Rome/Sicily/Florence etc. if they say they are from Bosnia, Malta or Andorra (no insult) then the conversation pretty much stops there.我觉得欧洲人脑子里关于这种对话的一般期待就是:问你是哪里人,问到一个国家。如果这个国家挺大,或者你了解,那就接着问具体是哪。如果这个国家挺小,或者你不了解,那你就说好,可以。至少我听过好几次,如果有人说他来自意大利,别人就会继续问他是来自罗马,西西里还是佛罗伦萨。如果有人说他来自波斯尼亚,马耳他或者安道尔(没有贬低的意思),那这段对话基本上就不会继续了。reddit_pugAmericans do the same with Americans if they're familiar with the state/area someone says they're from. Basically keep narrowing things down until things become unfamiliar美国人跟美国人聊起天也会这样,如果对于对方的州或者地区感觉熟悉的话。基本上都会继续把话题继续细化下去,直到不熟悉为止。"Where are you from?" "Indiana" (If they're not familiar with Indiana, the topic ends here. If they are familiar...) "Oh yeah, which part?" "just north of Lafayette" "Oh, like Brookston?" "Near there, Reynolds" "Cool, I've driven through there a few times when picking up trailers from the factory in Monon"“你哪儿的?”“印第安纳。”(如果不熟悉印第安纳的话,那话题就结束了,但如果熟悉的话……)“噢,具体哪里?”“拉法叶北边。”“噢,布鲁克斯顿那边?”“差不多,雷诺。”“酷,我从蒙诺市的工厂拉挂车的时候路过过几次。”Ok_Independence_5025Not having to ask for the bill.不用叫人过来结账。frgs72This was me today at a restaurant in Oslo. It felt rude to call the waitress over to ask for the bill. Am American.我今天在奥斯陆的一家餐厅就遇到这件事了。感觉把服务生叫过来让他结账挺没礼貌的。我是美国人。Ariia_It's curious, I'm European and if someone gave me the bill without asking I would think it's rude because it feels like they're rushing me to leave这真有趣,我就是个欧洲人,如果有人不问我就过来给我结账的话,我会觉得很粗鲁,因为感觉就像他们在催我走一样。beeboopPumpkinLol- I’m american and I asked for the bill at a restaurant in France before we were finished eating because I’m aware of the need to ask for it and we wanted to be able to get up and leave whenever we wanted and not have to flag him down later (the restaurant was getting rather busy and didn’t want to bother him if he was preoccupied later).哈哈哈——我是个美国人,我在法国的一家餐厅吃饭的时候,在吃完之前我们就叫服务生过来结账了,因为我知道我在这边得叫他们过来,并且我们也希望吃完了想走的时候就可以走,而不用一会儿再叫他一次(那家餐厅正在变得越来越忙,并且如果他之后忙起来的话我也不想打扰他)。He was deeply offended and encouraged us that we were in no rush to leave. And then didn’t bring us the bill and refilled our waters and tried to get us to stay. I’m sorry random waiter I didn’t mean to offend you.他当时非常恼火,跟我们说我们不需要急着走。然后他也没有把账单拿过来,而是给我们又续了点水,想让我们再待一会儿。真不好意思这位服务员,我不是有意冒犯你的。AlexastriaRanch牧场沙拉酱TheArowanaDudeBack when I worked in Panera Bread, a customer asked for ranch; we didn't carry it back then and when we informed him, he said:我在Panera面包房工作的时候,有个顾客想要牧场沙拉酱。我们当时还没有,然后我们通知他的时候,他说:"Are y'all communists?!"“你们都是communists吗?!”WoppyWalruscurrently working at panera and this is a frequent occurrence我现在就在Panera工作,这种事情经常发生。ShitItsReverseFlashI was a manager for Panera in my early 20s. Lady came up and said her french onion soup wasn’t hot enough. No problem, I’ll just get you another cup. Give her a fresh one from the soup well right in front of me. She then proceeds to try it on the counter - mind you other guests’ meals were being plated on that very same counter - and tells me it’s not hot enough. So I proceed to apologize and check the temperature of the soup on the line. It’s definitely hot enough and I showed her. She said the thermometer is broken. I told her there’s nothing I can do but we have a microwave out front if you’d like to use it to heat it up. My boss walks by (I’m shift manager and he’s assistant) and she stops him to tell him that I spit in her soup…我20多岁的时候在Panera当经理。有个女士过来说她的法式洋葱汤不够热。没问题,我再给你弄一杯。从我正对着的汤桶里给她又盛了一杯,然后她就直接在收银台上尝了一口——其他客人的食物可都在这个收银台上放着呢——然后跟我说不够热。于是我跟她道歉,然后检查了一下汤的温度。绝对足够热,而且我给她看了。她说温度计坏了。我跟她说我实在帮不上忙,但是我们在前面有个微波炉,如果你想用的话可以拿它来加热。这时候我老板走了过来(我是轮班经理,他来帮我),她叫住我老板,说我往她的汤里吐痰……Luckily my manager knows that I would never tamper with food. He chuckles and goes “…ShitItsReverseFlash spit in your soup? Ma’am I’m sorry but I highly doubt that.”幸运的是我的经理知道我是绝对不会对食物做手脚的。他笑了一声,说“这家伙在你的汤里吐痰?女士我很抱歉,但这事儿确实不太可能。”I don’t remember how it all ended but I know she fucked off and Brian and I had a good laugh about it.我不记得最后是怎么回事了,但我记得她滚蛋了,我和Brian乐了好久。CharleyNobodyI think you met my sister in law.你可能是遇见我小姨子了。Hot food is never hot enough for her.对她来说,热的食物是永远也不够热的。She can’t sit here. It’s too cold. No, it’s too hot over there. No, she can’t sit there, it’s too noisy. No, this is too close to the door….她不能在这坐着,太冷了。不,那边太热了。那边也不行,太吵了。这个离门太近了……The wine is shitty & overpriced.酒真难喝,而且贵得要死。
