
Next time you find yourself tending to your flower garden, you may want to stay quiet. The flowers are listening.


The latest news comes out of Israel where scientists in the zoology and plant sciences departments at Tel Aviv University discovered how plants respond to the buzzing of bees. The plants hear bees approaching and attempt to lure them in with sweeter nectar.


In several experiments, they found that playing audio recordings of buzzing bees around certain flowers will cause the sugar concentration in the nectar to rise by about 20% in less than five minutes. Such a rapid reaction by plants to sound had never previously been reported.


Just to compare, the researchers also tried a higher frequency noise—like that made by a mosquito or a bat—and the flowers did not respond. The study was conducted in both a quiet environment in a laboratory and, for comparison, on a Tel Aviv beach with lots of ambient noise. Flowers in the lab were also tested with and without a sound-proof glass on top of them.



The authors point out that the behavior is actually in line with the natural order of things, considering that a plant's ability to sense its environment and respond to it is critical for its survival. So, it would seem, plants have some sort of consciousness.


Can plants actually hear? Well, this is not the first time that they've reacted to what they're hearing around them. In a 2009 study, Britain's Royal Horticultural Society found that women's voices help make plants grow faster. In that experiment, tomato plants were found to grow up to two inches taller when they were tended to by a female gardener. "The findings vindicate comments made by Prince Charles that he talks to his plants, although they suggest that for maximum results he would be better off recruiting the Duchess of Cornwall," wrote The Telegraph at the time.


More recently, a 2017 Australian study found that some flowers were able to sense noises, such as the flow of water through a pipe. "Sound vibrations could trigger a response of the plant via mechanoreceptors—these could be very fine, hairy structures, and anything that could work like a membrane," biologist Michael Schöner told Scientific American magazine.


The ability of inanimate objects to hear what's around them may seem like something out of a science fiction novel, but it's real. What if we told you that a potato chip bag left on the floor of a break room could listen in on office gossip? You'd think we were crazy, right? Think again.


It's possible thanks to a team at MIT, Microsoft and Adobe. They found that as people were talking around the potato chip bag, they were sending teeny-tiny sound vibrations into the air. Those vibrations then hit inanimate objects around the room. Now imagine if you had a camera that was zoomed in on one of those objects extremely closely. In theory, you could actually see the object (like a potato chip bag) move along with the vibrations. You could then feed that video into a computer program that could decipher the vibrations and—voila!—you can play back the audio of the conversation that just took place. You're basically turning everyday objects into visual microphones.


So the next time you're at the botanical gardens or in a grocery aisle, careful what you say. Someone—or something—might be listening.



1. find v. to discover sb/sth/yourself doing sth or in a particular situation, especially when this is unexpected 发现,发觉(处于某状态、在做某事)

2. nectar n.[U] a sweet liquid that is produced by flowers and collected by bees for making honey 花蜜

3. concentration n.[ C; U] the amount of a substance in a liquid or in another substance 浓度;含量

4. previously adv. at some time before the period that you are talking about 先前地;以前;以往

5. for comparison 以供比较

6. ambient adj. [only before noun] ( technical 术语) relating to the surrounding area; on all sides 周围环境的;周围的

7. actually adv. used to show a contrast between what is true and what sb believes, and to show surprise about this contrast (表示想法与事实不一致因而惊奇)居然,竟然

8. considering prep.& conj. used to show that you are thinking about a particular fact, and are influenced by it, when you make a statement about sth 考虑到;就……而言;鉴于

9. vindicate v. to prove that sth is true or that you were right to do sth, especially when other people had a different opinion 证实;证明有理

10. be better off (doing sth) used to say that sb is/would be happier or more satisfied if they were in a particular position or did a particular thing (在某情况下)更幸福,更满意

11. mechanoreceptor n. a sensory receptor, as in the skin, that is sensitive to a mechanical stimulus, such as pressure 触觉感应器

12. membrane n.[ C; U] a very thin layer found in the structure of cells in plants (植物的)细胞膜

13. listen in [phrase v.]If you listen in to a private conversation, you secretly listen to it. 偷听;窃听

14. voila exclamation there it is; there you are 瞧;那就是

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