Generally, there are two points of views for us to see the world: aesthetic point of view and utilitarian point of view. When you describe someone as utilitarian, you mean he regards secular fame and gain as important and does everything beneficial to himself, such as study hard for good grades, get good grades to be admitted by a top university, get the diploma to be hired by a big company, and buy everything he wants when he has been paid for his work. Even if the business of making friends, which entails the willingness of the two party and the law of attraction, a utilitarian is bound to embed some aim into it: befriend a pianist to help himself improve piano skills; crawl to dignitaries for the opportunity to use them; try to win a beauty's affection to meet his sexual demand; keep stained people at a distance because they are prone to get him into trouble. As a Chinese saying goes: The gentleman thinks in terms of righteousness, the petty man in terms of gains. An egoist is usually looked down upon and marginalized by people around him. Only when he takes on social responsibility can he be accepted by the mainstream group as a member of them. In spite of all this, utilitarianism is an indispensable means of survival that everybody needs to learn, because evolved from gorilla, everyone of us has animal instincts and needs with us, such as appetite, sexual desire, safety need, love need and esteem need. Like noisy infants, these instincts and needs keep crying for satisfaction. If we failed to meet their demands, they will stir to make us ill at ease and get us as uncomfortable as a fish out of water. To meet their insatiable demands, we have to spend a lifetime competing with one another for scarce resources, such as key school in teenage years, position and salary in our youth, success of career and happiness of family in the autumn of our lives and career and future of our children when we are old enough. To do so, we are like tight-wound clocks rush ahead without a break, grab everything beneficial to make our "inner infants" stop crying. All in all, we have to be utilitarian to lead a better life.



In spite of the fact that secular fame and gain are good for our survival, they not only failed to make us happy, but become the root of our suffering in many ways. In order to achieve fame and wealth, one has to pay the price. The more benefit one wants, the more the price increases exponentially: if you just want to maintain a basic living, you can get the result with the same amount of effort; if you want to lead a privileged life, you need to work overtime to get the same result with double amount of effort; if you are so avaricious to lead an extravagant life, you have to do the best you can to get the same result with triple or quadruple amount of effort. Take smart phone as an example, if you just want a mobile phone with the function of call, answer, photograph and chat, you can buy yourself one without any difficulty; if you want the latest iphone, you have to bite the bullet, take out a large amount of savings and cut daily expenses; if you follow the fashion and intend to keep the latest iphone at hand at all times, you have to empty your pocket and be at the mercy of money, luxuries and desire. Sometimes we are too impotent to abandon our desire. When the latest iphone hits the market and the little thing in my hand is on the way out, I have a desperate urge to get rid of the old one and take possession of the new one. Only with great efforts that I dismissed the idea and persuaded myself to keep that seemingly stale, old and broken thing. Sometimes I feel our mortal beings have no other choice but to be slaves of desire and at the mercy of it. In the meantime, the satisfaction of it is not once and for all. We can get temporary pleasure when it is just satisfied, but it won't be long before it stages a comeback and be a "crying infant" again. So, we can come to the conclusion that utilitarian point of view can by no means bring eternal happiness to us. To achieve it, we have to learn to employ aesthetic view of point. When it comes to aesthetics, the first thing springs to my mind is art, such fine art, music, dance and drama. Definitely, it's an inertial thinking to link art with aesthetic, science with truth and morality with goodness. When we adopt the utilitarian thinking, neither of us can get rid of subject-object dualistic division: we see ourselves as subjects and everything we confront as object. To achieve fame, wealth and get everything beneficial, we have to be well acquainted with laws of myriads of things: the natural law, the law of human society and the law of historical development, and then put everything at the service of us, (to manage all sorts of people, we need even to be acquainted with human nature, and only in this way can we avoid the increment of the cost when situation gets complicated). For the reason that the wide world is too complicated to handle and the wisdom of our human beings is too limited to master the ultimate law, in most cases, subjects, instead of letting objects play the part of a "good boy", are often handicapped by them. Hence the consequence this kind of way of thinking constantly leads to is a feeling of anxiety.



Aesthetic way of thinking is just a good recipe to tackle the problem. As it is super-utilitarian and has nothing to do with desire, it not only bridged that dualistic division, but to some extent dispelled the feeling of anxiety. I can still remember the scene I was playing video games in my early years: I totally submerged into it as if I was that small figure on the screen. His life and death completely lie in my hands. As if possessed by a devil, I was delirious with joy when he defeated the boss and went through the level successfully; I got frustrated when he was given an awful beating up by enemies; My heart was thumping when he is in danger and I wept for joy at the scene he reunited with his lover. I can also remember the first time I brought home the DVD of Rurouni Kenshin—a classic Japanese animation. The whole afternoon passed in a flash and it is already dark outside when I came to myself. As if my spirit left my body and entered another world, I was so absorbed in characters and the vivid story of it that I would not care even if an earthquake happened at my feet. Notwithstanding there were all kinds of intractable people and things pestered me and made my life a complete mess in real life, it seemed as if I had a dream, and having fled into the fantasy world, I broke loose from the annoyance and got the pleasure never experienced before when I was playing games and watching animations, and that is perhaps the so-called aesthetic activity. If video game and animation could only be counted as cheap aesthetic activities which any untrained man is able to lose himself in it, fine art and music is really advanced ones. You may be tired of all kinds of games, find it difficult to be enthusiastic about them anymore and feel all the cartoons of the same pattern and it is a waste of time watching them, but you can always draw pleasure from the "advanced aesthetic activities" when you go a bit deeper into any kind of them and have a fresh feeling when you turn your attention to another genre and school. When you are listening to a symphony or enjoying an oil painting, you can enter a state of "forgetting yourself and the opposing object, blending emotion with scenery". As it is super-utilitarian, we never concern for personal gains and losses when we look into everything for beauty. For the reason that there is no need for us to pay any price for it, the feeling of upset will never rise in our hearts during the process.



Of course, aesthetic point of view is not limited to art, we can also take that attitude toward life. As long as you have an eye for beauty, you can find beautiful things up hill and down dale: beautiful sceneries, delicious food, people with beautiful minds, unusual buildings and colorful flowers. As long as you take the attitude of "admire it in the distance rather than play and possess it rashly", they can always bring pleasure to you. Subsistence and joy are the most important things for our living beings. Hence utilitarian and aesthetic point of view like our two legs. We can't walk without neither of them and we always call somebody a cripple, an unhealthy man if he lacks any one of them. Having integrated into the group of depressed patients, I found not a few of them had been trained to be utilitarians in current educational environment. In the meantime, their modes of thinking hindered them from changing into another angle to see the world, and in this way they fell into a wrong path and got stuck in the mud of depression. As a matter of fact, they can not only grow up healthily, but be healthier than all the normal people around if they learn to "walk with another leg". How important the aesthetic view of point is that it can cure disease! Generally speaking, we mortal beings need first to survival and then to be happy. Having acquired adequate living resource and could thus lead a favorable living, we have to "focus on the aesthetic leg to walk" and derive pleasure from every beautiful triviality in ordinary life, otherwise we will become the slave of desire and never get a thrill of joy even if we keep running day and night like a machine to satisfy it.



That is my opinion towards aesthetics and utilitarianism.

