
Discipline Your Child 批评宝宝的英文Q&A

1. “别踩井盖”英文怎么说?Don't step on the manhole cover.

2. “赶快睡吧”英文怎么说?Hurry up and go to sleep.

3. “别乱动,好好睡”英文怎么说?Stay still. Sleep nicely / properly.

4. “别跟爸爸抢”英文怎么说?Don't fight with Daddy.




  1. It’s time to brush your teeth. Let me squeeze toothpaste onto your toothbrush and fill your rinse cup with water. 该刷牙啦。我来帮你挤上牙膏,杯子接上水。

  2. Start by rinsing your mouth. Take a mouthful of water, swish, and spit out. 先漱漱口。喝一口水,咕嘟咕嘟,吐。


3. Now open your mouth. We start brushing the front (outside) and back (inside) of all the teeth in a circular motion. The toothbrush goes round and round, round and round. 张嘴。我们先刷刷牙齿里面和外面,转着圈刷。一圈,两圈,三圈。(上图左)

4. Next, we brush the top of the molars in the back. The toothbrush goes back and forth, back and forth. 下面,我们刷后面的磨牙。来回刷,左右,左右,左右。(上图中)

5. Lastly, we brush the teeth in the front, the incisors. We make circles again, but this time we start from the gum and brush away. We do the top teeth first and then the bottom teeth. 最后,咱们刷门牙。咱们还是转着圈刷,从牙龈开始。先刷上牙,再刷下牙。(上图右)

6. Remember not to swallow the toothpaste. It’s not food. 别咽牙膏。不能吃。

7. Don’t shut your mouth. Don’t bite the bristles. Open your mouth wide. Stop messing around. 别闭嘴。别咬刷毛。张大嘴。别闹了。

8. Great job. Now we are done. Spit out the tooth paste. 真棒。刷完了。把牙膏吐了。

9. Rinse your mouth clean with water. Remember to rinse five times. When you are done, let’s check whether you missed any dirty spots. 漱口了。漱五次。漱完以后看看有没有什么脏的地方没刷到。

10. All done. Can you be a good girl / boy and help mommy rinse the toothbrush and pour the water away? Let’s do this again tomorrow. 完成了。乖,帮妈妈涮涮牙刷,把水倒了。明天还刷。






parents_english 你和宝宝说英语

