
【词汇积累】1、眼球效应 strong eyeball effect

2、公众关注 public attention(不可数)

3、虚荣心 vanity (不可数)

4、矫揉造作&装 affected&unnatural

5、肤浅俗丽 poor taste &superficiality

6、过度商业化 over-commercialization

7、自以为是 self-centeredness& self-importance


(首段)The essays above, from different perspectives, mainly discuss the issue of ice bucket challenge.

By providing concrete background information, reliable statistics, and in-depth analysis, the articles focus on the benefits and drawbacks of this activity.

But to my knowledge, the disadvantages of this practice outweight the so-called advantages, as can be seen in the following.(中段)There is no denying the fact that ice bucket challenge bring more investment to cure a disease.

Meanwhile, it highlights the participant's individualities(个性), attracting the attention from the general public.

This statement might have some elements of truth at the first glimpse, but it must be pointed out that this activity also bring some negative influence.

For one thing, this behavior is more or less superficial.

For another thing, through this extreme activity, the participants look rather unnatural and affected.

As a result, their vanity is greatly satisfied, winning strong eyeball effects from the general public.

But behind the self-important behaviors, nothing is gained. So the conclusion is that it's just a symbol of over-commercialization and shallow taste.

(尾段)To sum up, i'd like to emphasize my point of view.

Maybe this behavior of the poor taste will still exist in the future, and this statement is well grounded on my observation in the current social setting.

But it could have the negative influence on our society, especially for the children.

So as for the mainstream media, such as TV stations and websites, it is of the essence that they should launch a campaign so that the positive cultural awareness could be developed among the general public.

In a sense, it is not why the issue exists, but what should be done to handle it properly.
