英语how many的问句(每天背一句welet)(1)


PowerPoint is a great tool to enhance your presentations, but far too often we let it overwhelm us and our message.PowerPoint 在做展示时是一个非常有力工具,但是目前 PPT 的滥用让我们不堪重负。The following are some simple tips for making the best use of PowerPoint.以下这些简单技巧,可以帮你充分善用 PowerPoint。Key words:

enhance v. 提升;=improve=step up=advance=promote=lift=elevate=boost

It really lifts our morale. 这真地提升我们的士气。

overwhelm v. 淹没;

英语how many的问句(每天背一句welet)(2)

英语how many的问句(每天背一句welet)(3)

英语how many的问句(每天背一句welet)(4)
