

说到美剧不得不提《纸牌屋》Houseof Cards , 先不说它里面明星云集, 单凭它把美国政坛的黑暗表现的淋漓尽致, 这种真实感就极大满足了大众的心理。

有人说里面的人物冷血,但是一千个读者有一千个哈姆雷特, 全看你以什么样的视角去看它。 今天给大家分享纸牌屋经典台词, 并对他们进行分析。

1.There are two kinds of pain.The sort of pain that makes you strong... or useless pain…The sort of painthat's onlysuffering.


sort of= kind of=kinda 有点点

Are you hungry?

Sort of.

You miss your girlfriend?

Kind of

2.A person’s character isn’t determined by how he or she enjoys victory but rather how he orshe endures defeat. Nothing can help us endure dark times better than our faith.


determine 决定

Once I determined to do something, nothing can stop me.

Many people determine to lose weight in 2015, but nothingchanged in the end.

determined 有决心的

I’m determined to get rid ofprocrastination.

3.I must not lose my resolve. I will march forward, even if I have to do so…alone.


lose one’s mind 失去理智 Keep calm! Don’t lose your mind!

lose one’s heart tosomeone 喜欢某人, 倾心于…

I think I kinda lose my heart to Tony.

resolve 跟determine非常形似, 只是determine的名词形式是determination。

4.It only takes ten seconds to crush a man’s ambitions. I need to take care that I protect mine.

十秒钟就足以摧毁一个人的雄心 我得小心保护自己的雄心。

crush 弄皱,压扁,摧毁,压碎

The boss was so angry that he crushed the paper into a ball.

crush 还有一个非常地道的短语have/has a crush on sb 迷恋, 狂热的爱某人

Nick is so cute. I have a crush on him.

5.The rational and the irrational complement each other. Individually, they are farless powerful.


确实很在理, 理性做计划, 感性做决定!



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