





1.humanitarian aid 人道主义援助

2. a moral imperative 道德需要

3. cultural, economic and social interaction 文化经济社会的互动

4. combat corruption 对抗腐败

5. increase accountability 增强责任感

6. ease tension 缓和紧张

7. government-to-government assistance 政府之间的互助

8. brutal and venal regimes 残酷腐败的制度

9. fraud and corruption 诈骗和腐败

10. impede participation in the international marketplace 妨碍加入国际市场

11. the abuse of international aid 国际援助的滥用

12. erode self-confidence, creativity and dignity 破坏自信创造力和尊严

13. recipient countries 接受国

14. donor countries 捐助国

15. mutual support and interdependence 相互支持相互依赖

16. sustainable development 可持续发展

17.vocational training 职业培训

18.the main inducement of crimes 犯罪的诱因

19.shoplifting, burglary and robbery 入店扒窃,入室盗窃,抢劫

20.acquire earning capacity 学习赚钱的本事

21.become productive members of society 成为社会有价值的成员

22.lose the ability to function prosocially 行为变的反社会

23.change delinquents' attitudes toward society 改变罪犯对社会的态度

24.habitual criminals 惯犯

25.commit crimes 犯罪

26. a turning point 转机

27. the construction of public facilities 公共设施的建设

28. eliminate illiteracy 扫除文盲

29. a decent job 体面的工作

30. chance of promotion 提升的机会

31. bring immediate benefits 带来直接的利益

32. keep skills fresh and up-to-date 不断更新技术

33. produce tourism revenue 创造旅游收入

34. balance work and life 平衡生活和工作

35. from-nine-to-five 朝九晚五

36. shoulder/undertake one’s responsibility 承担责任

37. anti-ageing technology 抗衰老的科技

38. a well-paid job 报酬高的工作

39. professional staff and exercise facilities 专业的人员与健身设施

40. a shift in the age structure of the workforce 劳动力年龄结构的改变

41. realize the value of life 认识到生活的价值

42. enrich one’s social experience 丰富社会阅历

43. cultivate one’s independence and toughness 培养人的独立性和韧劲

44. seek for personal development 寻找个人的发展

45. inadequate leisure time 闲暇时间不足

46.labour shortage 劳动力短缺

47.professional expertise 专业知识

48.swelling of ageing population 老龄人口的增多

49.medical care system 医疗体系

50.create a fresh need for some professions 创造对新职业的需求
