
Peppa and her family are going camping. I love camping. We are here. Hurray! Peppa, George, this is the tent I had when I was a little boy! (这么小的帐篷果然就是出来玩的)Daddy? How are you going to make that into a tent? Don’t worry, Peppa! I’m an expert at camping! (Daddy Pig的莫名自信为整片增添不少乐趣)Mummy Pig, put the tent on the poles, please. That’s it! Easy as pie! (瞬间打脸)Oh! Do these pegs do anything? Of course! I forgot about the pegs! The pegs hold the tent up. ( Mummy Pig总是默默地帮Daddy Pig)



There! The tent is a bit little. It was big enough for me when I was a boy. But it does Look a bit smallnow … That ’s because you’ve grown a bit since you were a boy, Daddy Pig! And your tummy has grown the most of all!





Talking of tummies, we should cook supper! Yes! Yes! First, we have to collect sticks to make a fire. Yippee! Peppa and George are helping Daddy Pig collect sticks for the campfire. George, I’ll pick up the sticks and you carry them. Collecting sticks is fun! Good. That’s enough sticks. That’s a splendid campfire!( George一定是国民好弟弟,粗活累活都帮着姐姐包揽了,将来也是男子汉一枚)



Now I’ll light it. Here are the matches. We don’t need matches! Daddy, how can you light it without matches? I’m going to make fire the old way, by simply rubbing these two sticks together! ( Daddy Pig一向喜欢逞能)Daddy Pig is rubbing the two sticks together to light the campfire. Where is the fire, Daddy? Nearly there… Hurray! Easy as pie! Now we can heat up the tomato soup. (这样放着锅,也能稳定的住,也只有动画片能实现了)Ahhh! Listen to the sound of nature!




What is that sound? That is the sound of crickets chirping. What is that? That’s an owl. Look! There it is! And, what ’s that noise? Oh, I’m not sure. It ’s Daddy’s tummy! My tummy rumbling is one of the best sounds of nature! It means it’s time to eat! Ilove tomato soup! So do I! There’s another one of Daddy’s Pig sounds of nature! Eh? What?



Come on, children, into the tent, it’s bedtime. We won’t all fit in! The tent is too little. It will be fine! In you go! Move further in, Mummy Pig! Daddy, you’re too big for the tent! Never mind, I’d rather sleep outside anyway. Goodnight, Daddy Pig! Goodnight, Daddy!(果然还是过去的东西质量比较好,这么小的帐篷也能撑得下3只猪)

Night! Night! Goodnight, everyone! Mummy Pig, Peppa and George are sleeping in the tent. Daddy Pig is sleeping outside, under the stars.( Daddy Pig比较容易被孤立)


Ahhh! I love camping! Sleeping in the open air with the stars above me! Maybe this wasn’t a good idea after all…brrrrrr.(看这满天繁星,月亮还那么明亮,这突然的大雨,突然感慨,动画片场景果然是你想怎么设定就怎么玩…) It is morning. Daddy! It was lovely and cozy in the tent! (一夜的雨,帐篷里面一点都不湿)Oh… where’s Daddy? Daddy Pig has gone! Poor Daddy Pig.He must have been cold and wet. And now where is he? What’s that sound? It sounds like snoring. Daddy Pig! What? Daddy, you’re safe! Of course, I’m safe! I’m an expert at camping! I slept in the car. Silly Daddy! I love camping!


