朋友们,晚上好,今天和一朋友出去吃饭,路过一家蛋糕店,朋友看到后好想好想吃,我说,你就不要吃了,再吃就要胖到没人要了巴拉巴拉……这个时候朋友给我拽了一句英文:You are the doctor! 然后买了吃自己的……我也只能三缄其口了。

英文每日一句you are the boss(34You)(1)

You're the doctor

You are the doctor这句话的意思不是表面的“你是医生”这个意思,而是表示一种不耐烦和反讽的语气,可翻译为“对对对,你说得都对,都听你的”。

在生活里,总有一种人,他们特别喜欢给别人提建议,对方不耐烦后就会用一句话回怼他们,you are the doctor。

To be honest, you need to lose weight now. 说实在的,你现在应该减肥了。

Fine, You are the doctor. 行行行,你说的都对

英文每日一句you are the boss(34You)(2)

You are the boss

You are the boss 也表示“你说了算,听你的”,不过这句话表示一种接纳的态度,与You are the doctor的语气并不同,要特别注意。

You are the boss 相当于It’s your call. It’s up to you.

——Hey John, where should we go eating?

——You are the boss.

You are the man干得漂亮;你真了不起You are a confidence man. 你是一个骗子

He is a confidence man. He will do you before you know where you are.


那么一个自信的人要怎么表达: a confident person

You are my lobster 你是我的最爱

看过《老友记》的小伙伴肯定还记得,第四季21集中Phoebe曾用“ she is your lobster”来形容Ross和Rachel他们的关系,他们注定像一对龙虾一样,手牵手走完一生。

You are my lobster, I love you more than cheese. 你是我最爱人,我爱你超过爱奶酪。

英文每日一句you are the boss(34You)(3)
