Section B

1. You are always so careless !

always 除了用于一般现在时态中,也可用于进行时态中,be always doing sth. 总是…. 常用来赞扬某人,

如:She is always helping others.

2. You missed a good chance.(错过一个好机会)

miss意为”思念,错过” 如:①I miss my mother very much.

②She missed the early bus.


3. He did his best .他尽力了。

①do one’s best=try one’s best 尽某人最大努力

②Do one’s best to do sth.=try one’s best to do sth. 某人尽力去干某事 We will do/try our best to study English well.

4. Kangkang, would you mind saying sorry to Michael? 你介意向Michael 道歉吗?

① Say sorry to sb 向某人道歉

②say hello to sb. 向某人打招呼/问候。

③say goodbye to sb. 向某人道别。

5. I am sorry for what I said. 我为我所说的道歉。

for 后面的what I said(我所说的) 是一个宾语从句。类似的还有:what I saw (我所见的),what I thought about(我所考虑的)

①Be sorry for 表为…. 道歉,后面接名词、代词、从句或动名词。②Be sorry to do sth. 抱歉去做某事。 有时①②可互换如:I’m sorry for troubling you.= I’m sorry to trouble you.

6. Keep trying ! We are sure to win next time.

(1)Keep doing sth. 坚持做某事;keep sb. doing sth. 让某人一直干某事;

keep on doing sth. = go on doing sth. 继续做某事

(2) ①be sure to do sth. 确信要做某事(表将来)如:It’s sure to rain. 肯定要下雨。

②be sure (that)从句, 如: We are sure that we will win next time.

③be sure about sth. 对某事确信,如:I’m sure about the answer.

7. Kangkang was angry with Micheal.

be angry with sb. 生某人的气

be angry at sth. 因某事而生气, 如:He was angry at what he had said.

8. With the help of Maria and Jane, Kangkang said sorry to Micheal.

With the help of sb. = with one’s help 在某人的帮助下

With Maria and Jane’s help,….

9. (1) turn on 打开(电器、龙头等); turn off 关;

(2) turn up 调大音量 turn down 调小音量

10. please take a seat. 请坐

Take one’s seat = have one’s seat 坐某人的座位

如:He took his seat and read a book.

11. be busy with sth. 为某事而忙碌。

如:Kangkang is busy with his exam.

be busy doing sth. 忙于做某事

如:He is busy preparing for Christamas.

12. Never mind.= It doesn’t matter.= That’s OK/all right.= Not at all. 没关系。都可以用来回答“I’m sorry.”

如:I’m sorry I didn’t call you last night. --- Never mind. I guess you were busy.
