


Container-related Terms 集装箱相关术语(一)

Container-related Terms 集装箱相关术语

fleet of containers 集装箱箱队

E/C Equipment control 箱管

TEU Twenty-Foot Equivalent Unit is the value of 1 twenty-foot container. ( 20’GP) 20尺标箱

FEU Forty-Foot Equivalent Unit. 1 Forty-Foot equivalent equals (40’GP)2Twenty-Foot containers. 40尺标箱

Corner Fitting 角件

Corner Post 角柱

End Wall/Side Wall 端墙/侧墙

Bull Ring(D Ring)cargo-securing devices mounted in the floor of containers 箱内稳货环

Container No。 箱号

Seal metal strip or lead fastener used for locking freight car 箱封

Seal record a record of the number,condition and marks of identification on seals made at various times and places,referring to the

movement of the container between origin and destination 箱封检查记录

Collection and Distribution Transport 拼箱分拨运输

SL&C Shipper’s Load and Count 货主装箱、点数

SP & S Shipper’s Pack and Seal 货主装箱、加封

SOC Shipper’s Own Container (SHIPPER OWNED CTN) 货主自有箱

The maintenance of a sufficient quantity of containers may be

expensive, but may prove to be worthwhile in the long run,

depending on the trade volume. In cases, shippers may purchase

from the market the used container to send the cargo with, just

for once and keep the container for a makeshift warehouse

after its delivery or for some other use at destination

COC Carrier’s Own Container(CARRIER OWNED CTN) 船东自有箱

From others’ point of view, containers for a specific carrier’s use are all called COC. Therefore, the carrier’s leased in containers are also his COC.

Equipment change 换箱

GP General Product ( Dry Cargo ) Container 干货箱

DC Dry Cargo Container 干货箱

Garmentainer 挂衣箱

GOH Garment on Hanger 挂衣箱

HC/HQ HI-CUBE (HIGH CUBE)Container Any container which

exceeds 8 feet 6 inches in height, usually 9’6’’ 高箱

40 TH 40’ TIE High Cube 40尺高箱

40 GH 40’ Garment High Cube 40尺挂衣高箱


All-in Rate/40’ x 1.125 ( for 40’ HC ) 海运费计收

All-in Rate/40’ x 1.266 (for 45’ HC )

FR Flat Rack Container 框架箱

OT Open Top 开顶箱

PF (Platform Container) 平板箱

RF Refrigerated Container 冷藏箱


DG Container Dangerous Goods Container 危险品箱

Controlled Atmosphere an atmosphere in which oxygen, carbon dioxide and nitrogen concentrations are regulated, as well as

temperature and humidity. 箱体内气体、温度、湿度调控

Empties Empty containers are provided by ship operators

to cargo owners at container depots. Appropriate

charges are made for the lease of their ownership. 空箱

Genset a portable power generator, which convert fuel into

Electrical power by mechanical means, and from which
