


What college should I attend in the fall?^秋季我上哪一所大学好呢?

I’m majoring in history.^我学的是历史专业。

Can you tell me where is the dormitory?^你能告诉我宿舍在哪吗?

I’m taking extra classes this semester.^这个学期我额外选修了一些课程。

Are you having problems with chemistry?^你在化学方面有困难吗?

I’m not worried about this test.^我并不担心这次考试。

The prices on textbooks have gone up.^课本的价格上涨了。

Our class has a meeting after lunch.^午餐后我们班要开一个会议。

The new professor is very strict.^新来的教授很严厉。

Do you want to study together for the exam?^你们想一起备考吗?

So now that we’re graduated from high school, what are you going to do?^既然我们已经高中毕业了,你有什么打算?

My father says that choosing the right college is the most important decision a young person can make.^我父亲说,选择一所合适的大学是一个年轻人要做出的最重要的决定。

How long have you attended this school?^你在这所学校上学有多久了?

I didn’t receive a room assignment for the dormitory, so I need to find out what room I will be living in.^我没有收到宿舍安排通知,所以我需要去搞清楚我将住哪间房。

Have you decided on the classes you want to take this semester?^你有没有决定这个学期要修哪些课程?
