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第三天 读终极英语单词12000 第二册Level4 部分,计划每天学30个左右,一个月争取读完。












obviously 明显地

Asked twice whether clothes stores would count as essential shops that would not require certificates, he said: “I obviously don’t have that detail for you now.”

vary 变化 变异 违反

Americans desperate to shake their addictions spend thousands of dollars at these clinics, which vary wildly in their practices and treatment standards.

frankly 坦率的 老实说

Frankly, I don’t think we could have physically served any more customers.

investment 投资

Last September it announced £10 million of investment into local projects aimed at stopping suicide, such as mental health training for barbers.

weaken 使减少 使变弱

By treating Northern Ireland differently from the rest of the UK, it has prompted suspicion among loyalists that the union is being weakened.

harvest 收货 收割 产量

The torchlights pricking the slopes of Table Mountain signal that the grape harvest is in full swing for a wine with a history as knotted as the oldest vine.

yield 产生 提供 屈服 让步

In recent weeks yields on US government bonds have hit their highest level since January last year.

accuse 控告 指控 谴责

A man has appeared in court accused of causing the death by dangerous driving of a two-week-old boy whose pram was struck by a car on Easter Day.

liar 说谎者

On Silbermann’s advice, Brougher called Morgenfeld to clear the air; she says he called her a liar about her description to Silbermann of their previous conversation, and hung up on her.

remarkable 非凡的 卓越的

However, because there was no drugtesting at the event, Potter’s remarkable time of 14:41 is unlikely to be ratified as a British or world record.
