1.10Son fowl ask on son tribute said. Man son arrive on here nation yet. Must hear ye govern. Pursue which with? Or with which with? Son tribute said, man son worm benign polite scrimp let by get thereof. Man son which pursue thereof yet. Ye soever abnorm of person which pursue thereof with?,接下来我们就来聊聊关于论语十则英文版全文?以下内容大家不妨参考一二希望能帮到您!




Son fowl ask on son tribute said. Man son arrive on here nation yet. Must hear ye govern. Pursue which with? Or with which with? Son tribute said, man son worm benign polite scrimp let by get thereof. Man son which pursue thereof yet. Ye soever abnorm of person which pursue thereof with?



Son said. Father reign watch ye idea. Father merge watch ye go. Three year no alter on father which course. Might remark filial anyway.



Has son said. Rite which use. Mix avail noble. Afore king which course. Thus avail good. Small big lead thereof. Has where not gone. Know mix and mix. Not by rite node thereof. Either not might go yet.



Has son said, sign close on obligate. Talk might duplicate yet. Polite close on rite. Far disgrace shame yet. Factor not lose ye relate. Either might cognate yet.



Son said. Lord son feed no pursue full. Dwell no pursue sure. Quick on serve and cautious on talk. Adhere has coursed and upright thereon. Might remark like learn yet over.



Son tribute said. Poor and no toady. Rich and no pride. What as? Son said. Might yet. Hasn’t though poor and jolly, rich and like rite hereof yet. Son tribute said, poem cloud. As shear as lathe. As drill as polish. Ye thus which remark with? Son said, award yet. Begin might with talk poem over anyway. Tell soever betake and know come hereof.



Son said, not trouble person which not oneself know. Trouble not know person yet.

