#汉中# 我们的剧本——五年级下册(教师篇)


A happy week

——改编自人教版五年级下册Unit 1 My day Story time

西乡县教学研究室 陈艳丽

表演人物:Zip、Zoom、other animals


Scene 1 On the way to Zip’s home

【旁白】It’s a sunny day. This week, I see my grandmother. She is very old. I often help her do some things. (播放第一单元歌曲,My weekend.) I’m very busy but happy. I miss Zip, too. Today is Saturday. I want to see him and go shopping. (迫不及待)

Scene 2 At Zip’s home

【旁白】The door is open. Where is Zip? He isn’t at home? (门没锁,推门寻找)

Zoom:Zip,Zip,Wake up, wake up, please.

Zip: …(依然睡着)

Zoom:It’s 10:30a.m. Get up, get up! I’m coming! (推着Zip)

Zip: Today is Saturday, I don’t go to school. (抬头看着Zoom,懒洋洋地说)

Zoom:I know. I miss you very much. (一周没见,推着Zip,撒娇地说)

I want to go shopping. Can you go with me? (期待)

Zip: Sorry, I’m tired. I’m always very busy this week.(精神不好)


Zip: I do many things. Let me have a nap again.

Zoom:What do you usually do on Monday?

Zip: Let me see…(呈现第二场景)

Scene 3 outside

【旁白】Autumn is coming. The weather is cool. The leaves are yellow. They fall and fall. The people works in the field. They are very busy but happy. There are many foods on the trees. (秋天来到,到处一片欣欣向荣的景象。)

Zip: Fall is coming! I usually play outside. How beautiful!(户外欣赏秋天美景)

Zoom: What can you see?

Zip: I see many apples, pears, grapes… Look, a nut!(没注意,踩在脚下)…

Wow, so many nuts. I like them very much. (兴奋)

Zoom: I also like to eat them. (看着桌子上的果子)So what do you do ? Collect?

Zip: Yes. One, two, three…(满地的果子) I can bring them to my home.

Collect, collect, collect…(加快速度捡果子)

But my bag is small. I need a big bag and some help.


Animals:Let me help you. We’re coming. (Yahoo!不知何时从身后跳出几只小动物)

Zoom: I’m sorry.I can’t help you.(没能帮上朋友,有点难过)

Zip: Don’t worry. (摆摆手) I’m fine. I have some new friends, like you.

Zoom: Yes, they are very friendly and helpful, like me. (害羞)

Zip: Haha!From Monday to Wednesday, we usually collect nuts in the afternoon.

Sometimes we play games. We’re busy but happy.

【旁白】Today is Thursday. The weather is sunny. There is a bird singing in the tree.(阳光灿烂,鸟儿欢歌)

Zip: Haha.(发出笑声)

Zoom: Why?

Zip: A new friend—— a funny doll.

Zoom: What do you usually do on Thursday?

Zip: On Thursday , I often dry my nuts in the sun. (环顾四周) They are lost. Who? (发现果子少了) The bird? (思考) It is clever.. (追赶小鸟,一靠近,就飞走)

Zoom: Haha, I also want to eat nuts, like birds. (开玩笑) What else can you do?

Zip: We can make a man with straw, like me.(做稻草人) It watches the nuts in the sun, like me. …The bird goes away. (开心极了)

Zoom:That sounds like a lot of fun. I want to see your new friend.

Scene 4 At Zip’s home

【旁白】Today is Friday. The nuts are dry. My friends always help me.

Zip: They always help me. On Friday, I have a party.

Zoom:Good idea! But I miss it. (难过)

Zip: I eat nuts with my friends. We also eat apples, pears, grapes and so on .

Zoom:How delicious! (想吃) What else? Please tell me! (急切想知道)

Zip: We play music on that day … I play the pipa. We are happy!

Zoom: Great!(羡慕)

【旁白】Today is Saturday.

Zoom: Today I want to go shopping, can you go with me?

Zip: Sorry, I can’t.

Zoom: Why? What do you usually do on the weekend? (失望)

Zip: At 12:00, I often watch TV, about the robots. I like robots very much.

Zoom: Robot? Robin? I like it, too.

Zip: OK, let’s watch together. (两个好朋友开心地笑了)

Oh, my god. I have a show. I’ll play the pipa. (突然想起,叫了起来)

Zoom: When? (惊奇)

Zip: This Saturday, at 12 o’clock. Oh, no! (看着钟表,11:30a.m.)I’m late. (拔腿就跑)

Zoom: Oh,my friend, you’re always very busy. (看着Zip跑那么快)

What’s that? The pipa?(惊愕)He also needs my help. Wait, wait…

【旁白】Haha! I’m happy! We will have a party again!(播放歌曲My weekend.)

The end.


Christmas Day

——改编自人教版五年级下册Unit 2 My favourite season Story time

勉县实验小学 李鲁婷

人物(共七个角色):Zip、Zoom、Koala 、Zoom’s father、Zoom’s mother、Zip’s brother、Zip’s grandmother


第一场:Zoom’s home

(演员:Zip,Zoom,Zoom’s father ,Zoom’s mother,Zip’s brother,Zip’s grandmother)

Zoom’s mother: Zip, do you like dumplings?


Zip: Yes, my favourite food is nut dumplings.


Zoom: My favourite food is dumplings with honey, hahaha.


Zoom’s father: Look at this picture. This is your uncle Koala and this is me. Summer in Australia is pretty. There are so many beautiful flowers everywhere and the ocean is blue and clean. I can go swimming with your uncle Koala.




Zip’s grandmother: I like autumn in Australia best. Because you kids can pick apples with me. I can dance with Koala’s grandma. She can dance slowly but nice. That is wonderful!




Zoom: And the honey in Australia is wonderful, too. I like it.I miss Koala very much!


Zip’s brother: It’s time to pick up Koala. Let’s go to the airport.


Zip: Let’s go.

Zip: 出发吧。

第二场:At the airport

(演员:Zip, Zoom, Koala)

Zip & Zoom: Welcome!


Koala: Thank you. Merry Christmas!


Zip & Zoom: Merry Christmas!

Zoom: What do you usually do on Christmas Day?

Zoom: 圣诞节你通常会干什么呢?

Koala: I usually go to the beach and swim in the sea.


Zoom: You swim in winter?

Zoom: (十分惊讶)你在冬天游泳?

Koala: Christmas is in summer in Australia, so we never have snow for Christmas.


Zoom: Which season do you like best?


Koala: Summer. I like sunny days.


Zip: Let’s go home first and enjoy a big Christmas dinner!


Zoom: OK, I can’t wait it!


第三场:At the front door of Zoom’s home

Zoom’s father, mother and Zip’s brother and grandma: Welcome!


Koala: Thank you! I miss you so much!


Zoom’s father: How is your dad? Is he still busy for work?


Koala: Yes, he is hard working and he will go to China next year.

Koala: 是的,他还是很忙,他明年会来中国。

Zip’s grandma: What about your grandma? I miss her so much!


Koala:She is fine and she misses you, too!


Zoom: Oh, It’s snowy. Can we take a picture here?


Zip’brother: Good idea! Let’s make a snowman!


Zip: Great!

Zip: 太好了!

Koala: A white Christmas!


Zip: Say “cheese!”

All actors: Cheese!

第四场:Zoom’s home

Zoom’s mother: Dinner is ready!




Zoom’s mother:Turkey, nut dumplings, honey dumplings and apple juice.


Zoom’s father: Let’s enjoy!


Zoom: hahaha, my favorite honey dumplings!


Koala: A happy Chinese Christmas!


The end.



Early planning

——改编自人教版五年级下册Unit 3 My school calendar Story time

西乡县城北小学四河分校 郭淑娇


第一景:Zoom’s Home

【旁白】Today is Saturday.Zoom is talking about his plan for the summer vaCation with Zip.

Zoom:(高兴地)Look at my summer vacation plan!

Zip:(疑惑地)It’s April now. The summer vacation is still three Months away.

Zoom:(自豪地)Early planning is always good.

(背景投放Zoom 和爷爷奶奶相聚的美好画面。)

Zoom:(憧憬地) In July I’ll visit my grandparents.They live in Xinjiang.

Zip:(平静地) What will you do there?


Zoom :(兴奋地)We’ll go to the Grape Valley. The grapes there are vrey sweet! Grapes are my favourite fruit!(做出吃美味葡萄的动作,流口水)

Zoom :(陶醉地)In August, I’ll go to Huangshan Mountain. The trees there are very famous. The clouds are beautiful!(背景投放黄山景象)

Zip:(语重心长地) Sounds great! You have a great plan, but what will you do this weekend?There will be a maths test next Monday.So, you please work hard.

Zoom:(惊讶地)Oh my godness! I forget!

第二景:Zoom’s Home

【旁白】Today is Sunday. Zoom is doing maths papers.

Zoom :(坚定地)Tomorrow is Monday. We’ll have the maths test. I must work hard. I believe I can do a good job!Come on!

第三景:In the classroom

【旁白】Today is Monday. After the maths test, Zip and Zoom are talking about the test.

Zip:(平静地)How do you think about the test? Easy or difficult?

Zoom:(自豪地)I think I can get 100.Because I worked all day yesterday.

Zip:(语重心长地)Wow.You’re so great! Early planning is always good.But if you make a reasonable plan,it’s really very good!

Zoom:(感恩地)Thank you ,my dear!

The end.


A Hard Working Zoom

——改编自人教版五年级下册Unit 4 When is the art show?Story time

西乡县杨河镇中心学校 李 慧

人物(共六个角色):旁白,bird(music teacher),Zoom,Zip,Rabbit,Cat


【旁白】Today is April 30th.Zoom is having music class with Zip,Rabbit and Cat.(Zoom,Zip,rabbit,cat在music teacher的带领下,合着伴奏音乐一起唱歌,音乐停止。)

Music teacher:The singing test will be on May 4th.

Zoom:(伤心的样子) I can’t sing well.

Zip:(安慰Zoom)Don’t worry.Pratice makes perfect.


第二景:Zoom’s Home

【旁白】Today is May 1st.Zip will go to Zoom’s home.(优美的音乐声和Zoom难听的歌声)

Zip:(很开心的样子)Today is Rabbit’s birthday.Will you go to the party?

Zoom:(伤心的样子)Sorry,I can’t.I want to pratice my song.

第三景:Zoom’s Home

【旁白】Today is May 2nd.Rabbit will go to Zoom’s home.(优美的音乐声和Zoom稍好听点的歌声)

Rabbit :(很开心的样子)Will you play football with me after lunch ?

Zoom :(伤心的样子)Sorry , I can’t . I want to pratice the song.

第四景:Zoom’s Home

【旁白】Today is May 3rd.Cat will go to Zoom’s home.(优美的音乐声和Zoom更好听点的歌声)

Cat :(很开心的样子)Let’s watch TV together.The show is very funny!

Zoom :(伤心的样子)Sorry . I need more pratice.


【旁白】Today is May 4th.The singing test is coming.Zoom is singing.


Music teacher:(竖起大拇指)Good job,Zoom.

Zoom:(非常开心)Thank you,Miss Bird.

Zip,Rabbit and Cat:(竖起大拇指,响起掌声)Pratice makes perfect.

The end.



An Interesting Day

——改编自人教版五年级下册Unit 5 Whose dog is it? Story time

西乡县杨河镇中心学校 徐 博

人物(共6个角色):旁白,Zoom,Zip, Tiger, Two Monkeys.

第一景:Zoom’s Home

Zip: It’s a sunny day, Zoom, Let’s go to the nature park.

Zoom: OK, Let’s go. Don’t forget the camera, we can take some pictures of the nature park.

Zip: Sure, I’ll take it.

第二景:Nature park

【旁白】They arrive at the nature park.

Zoom: Wow, it’s so beautiful here. I’ll take millions of pictures here.

Zip: Oh, I don’t think we can take such many pictures by this camera. But we can try our best to take pictures here. It’s really so beautiful here.

【旁白】They take a walk in the nature park, then they hear some roars there.

Zoom: Oh no, Zip. Did you hear that? Is that a dinosaur? I’m so scared.

Zip: Come on, dinosaurs disappeared for many years. I think it is a tiger.

Zoom: A tiger? Will it eat us? Oh, I don’t wanna die.

Zip: I’m not afraid. I’m a brave bear.

【旁白】Then another roar comes, and Zoom is trembling.

Zip: Don’t be afraid, Let’s go and find the tiger. I wanna take some pictures of it.

Zoom: OK, Let’s go and I hope the tiger is full.


【旁白】They walk to the river bank.

Zip: Here comes a tiger, Let’s take some pictures of this tiger.

Zoom: Where is it? Why I can’t see it?

Zip: Shh. Be quiet, I’ll take some pictures.

Zoom: OK. Ah-choo!

【旁白】At the same time, Zip is taking pictures.

Zip: No, Zoom, the tiger run away, I didn’t take pictures of it yet. Look!(Zip take the camera to Zoom)

Zoom: What’s that? Oh, it’s a tail. But whose tail is that? It seems that it’s running so fast. Is it the tiger’s tail?

Zip: Yes, it is. I just want to take a picture of the tiger. Why it is so hard for me?

Zoom: Don’t worry. We’ll take the pictures of it sooner or later.

Zip: Yes. Let’s go and try to find some other animals in the nature park. We can take many beautiful pictures of the nature park.


【旁白】They walk and take pictures in the nature park.

Zip: Look, there are two monkeys.

Zoom: Where are they?

Zip: Shh. They’re climbing.

Zoom: Wow! They’re fast, too.

Zoom: What are they doing?

Zip: Why are they looking at us?

Zoom: I don’t know. Maybe they are playing.

Zip: Let me take a picture of the monkeys. Oh, I know, they are taking pictures, too.

Zoom: That’s cute. They are copying us!

Zip: That’s interesting. They are so clever. Can we teach them to take pictures so that they can help us to take pictures.

Zoom: You are so smart. It’s a good idea.

【旁白】Then they teach the monkeys how to take pictures and the monkeys help them take so many pictures of different kinds of animals.

Zoom: Look, this is the giraffe, this is the hippo, and this is the panda.

Zip: Wow, look, that’s the picture of the tiger. I like it very much.

Zoom: Oh my friends, you are so amazing, I love you guys very much.

Monkeys: Jabber.

Zip: I’m sorry, I can’t understand you. I think we can teach you how to speak next time so that we can talk with each other very fluently.

Zoom: I’m agree with you. It’s too late today, see you next time, my friends.

Zip: See you, my dear friends.

【旁白】The monkeys wave their arms and jabber.

Zip: What a great day it is. I’ll never forget it .

Zoom: Yes, it is. Let’s go home, I am hungry now.

Zip: Oh, Zoom. OK, Let’s go.

The end.


A noisy bear

——改编自人教版五年级下册Unit5 Work quietly!Story time

西乡县城北小学 马丽娜



【旁白】A rainy day. Zoom and Zip are at home. They’re very bored.Zip calls Zoom.

(一个下雨天, Zoom和Zip在家里。他们很无聊。Zip给Zoom打电话)

Zip:Hi!Zoom,what are you doing?

Zoom: Oh,it’s rainy today. I can’t play outside. So, I’m sleeping now.


Zip:I’ll see a nice film. Would you like to see with me?

Zoom: Great! When and where will we meet?(朋友有约,激动不已,从床上翻起来。)

Zip: 6:50 at the cinema gate . (The film will begin at 7:00 p.m.)

Zoom: OK!See you later!


【旁白】It’s 6:50 now. Zip is at the cinema gate. But Zoom isn’t here. Zip waits and waits. (约定时间到了,Zoom没来,Zip焦急等待。)

Zip:Hurry up! Zoom! We’ll be late.(Zoom is coming.)


Zoom:Hi,Zip.Look at my new bag! (He runs to Zip. )


Zip:Wow,It’s a gorilla! It’s so cute!


Zoom:Thank you !(开心地摸着自己的包,紧紧地抱着。)

Zip: Come on! Zoom, let’s go and see.

Zoom: OK!(快跑,包重落在了后面。)


【旁白】It’s 7:00 p.m. The film begins. We don’t miss it .(电影开始了,我们没错过。)

Zip: Do you love animals?

Zoom: Of course !Look! A gorilla! My bag!Like my bag! (Zoom看到屏幕上出来了一只大猩猩,和包上的一样,边说边指着,兴奋地叫了起来。)

I love gorillas! Love,love… (他激动地说道。)

How about you, Zip?

Zip: Shh! Me too.(Zip小声地回答,并提醒Zoom要保持安静。)

Zoom:Oh!The gorilla is tall and strong.(Zoom小声地和Zip说着。)

Zip:Yes. He’s eating a banana.

Zoom: Oh, Look! He’s climbing a tree, like me.

He is running, eating, jumping, singing with his friends, like me.

He is helping other people,like me.

Wow, he is flying.

He is brave, like me.

How big, how strong, how clever, how great…


Rabbit:Hello,friend.Please be quiet! (坐在旁边的兔子有礼貌的提醒Zoom)



【旁白】: Crunch!Crunch! (突然传来了奇怪的响声。)

Zip: What’s that noise? (正在专心看电影的Zip听到了响声,满脸疑惑的问Zoom。)

Zoom:Haha! I’m eating popcorn. Would you like some?

Zip: Yes, please. See a film , eat some food. How happy!


Rabbit:Oh,no! Too noisy!(兔子无奈的摇摇头,露出嫌弃的眼神,坐到了其它的座位上。)

Tiger: Shh!Talk quietly!(老虎受不了,他在Zoom后面小声提醒)


Tiger:Please talk quietly!(老虎见Zoom没有在意,还在吃,很生气的站了起来,靠近Zoom,大声对他说)

Zoom:Oh!I’m so sorry!(Zoom听清了,看到别人都在看他,突然意识到自己吃东西的声音影响到了大家,觉得很抱歉。他急忙将手里的爆米花盒子放在了座位上。红着脸继续看电影。再也不说话、吃东西了。)


【旁白】The film is over.(灯亮了,电影结束了,Zip和Zoom准备离开。)

Zip:I love the film. It’s so excting!

Zoom: Me too. I want to see it again. (从位置上起来)

Zip:Oh,no,no. Zoom.Look! (东西散落一地,到处看)Look there,“Keep clean!”(指着标示牌,很尴尬)

Zoom: How dirty!(环顾四周,心情复杂)I’m not a good boy. (难过地低下了头。)

Zip:Let’s clean it.

Zoom: Good idea.(开心地一起打扫。)

Worker: Wow, you are good boys! Welcome you to see the film next time.


【旁白】The rains stop. The sun is coming. They are happy to sing a song.(雨停了,太阳出来了,他们开心地唱着歌,往回走。播放Unit 6《School days》歌曲)

The end.
