


take a holiday 去度假

take a trip 去旅行

take a train 坐火车

take a bus 做大巴

take a liking to 喜欢

take a risk 冒险

take an interest in 感兴趣/喜欢

take photos 拍照


状语从句+定语从句:We got off when we saw one that we took a liking to.

状语从句+宾语从句:We were taking a risk as we didn't know exactly what we'd find there.

双宾语: Some kids showed us some great places.


We were so glad we decided to take a holiday there. A week ago we took a trip to the mountains. First we took a train to a little town and then we took a bus going to various villages and got off when we saw one that we took a liking to. Of course, we were taking a risk as we didn't know exactly what we'd find there. But we were lucky. Some kids took an interest in us and showed us some great places. We took a lot of photos.


