“网谷之眼”拱墅区智慧网谷小镇展示中心 | E LAB


▼建筑鸟瞰,aerial view ©苏圣亮


▼建筑外观,exterior view ©苏圣亮


作品的造型创作从“天圆地方”的几何关系作为思考起点。“方”作为大地的台基,稳定地收纳场地的边界要素,“圆”是抽象的高空环视视野,位于中间的三角锥形从地平的方形缓缓升起,化成坡道流动蔓延,以势的动能推动“圆”的“失重”,托举起“圆”的“悬浮”,传达诗性几何的超时空体验,如一个“时空装置”(Time Machine),成为链接当下与未来、数字与想象力的发生器。

▼设计草图,sketch ©E LAB


The Eye of Intelligence Valley is the exhibition center in the intelligence valley town in Hangzhou. It is a multi-functional public building for culture display, investment attraction, office meeting, recreation and etc. The design philosophy starts with the geometric relation of ‘round sky and square earth’. The squareness, steadily gathering the boundary elements of the place, is the base of the earth; while the roundness stands for an abstract high-altitude vision. The triangular cone, located in the center, gradually rises from the flat square and flows into a ramp. It motivates the weightlessness of roundness, lifts up the suspension of roundness, and conveys a poetic and geometric experience beyond space and time. Like a Time Machine, it is a generator linking the future, digits and imagination.

▼夜间外观,犹如一个“时空装置”,night view: a project that looks like a Time Machine ©苏圣亮






The entrance on the ground floor is a large-sized empty floor. Restricted by structural height, silver ripple-finished stainless steels are paved full on the top. The metal reflects the surrounding scenery and displays a natural trance to the main entrance space. The first floor is mainly used as the central exhibition hall and company exhibition hall, featuring cyber-space, using 360°screen, holographic projection and digital sand table, highlighting an intrusive experience formed by digital technology and modern society.

▼架空的体量,the elevated volume ©苏圣亮


▼一层架空层顶部满铺水波纹银色不锈钢,the ceiling of the open floor is covered by silver ripple-finished stainless steel ©苏圣亮



▼荡漾的金属反射将周围景观吸纳其间,the metal reflects the surrounding scenery and displays a natural trance to the main entrance space ©苏圣亮



Entering the Cloud Valley of Light, you can see the core space of the building, an exquisite ramp rising above the ground, circling and floating inside realistic view and virtual space. The ramp is like a space-time tunnel, leading to the landscape exhibition hall in the clouds. The 24-metre high, 360°French window is like a panoramic documentary movie, offering live to overlook the construction of the entire Intelligence Valley. The overall of the building is wrapped up in white high-intensity composite aluminum plates, without redundant ornament. Its futuristic and international form, like a natural simple sculpture, creates a giant sci-fi landscape coming from the universe in the modern city.

▼一层空间,ground floor ©苏圣亮


▼建筑的核心空间:“光之云谷”,the core of the building: Cloud Valley of Light ©苏圣亮


▼坡道,the ramp ©苏圣亮


▼天顶,the dome


▼360度落地玻璃窗,360° panoramic view ©苏圣亮



▼内部空间,interior view ©苏圣亮


创新结构Innovative Structure


结构创新 —— 偏置的“去结构化”:核心筒靠背偏置的悬挑“T”结构。从偏置的核心筒角点算起,大圆盘最远端悬挑尺寸直线距离为28.3m。通过借鉴巨型结构形式,来实现如此大尺度的悬挑,保证了建筑造型的空灵。

▼剖面图,section ©E LAB


The core structure is leaning against a T-shaped cantilever. Counting from the angle of the core structure, the straight-line distance to the cantilever in the farthest end is 28.3m. Two annular trusses are constructed in the upper round-disk height and equipment-space width. A steel truss is made in the space between railings on both sides of the ramp. The ramp is built into the groove-profile sections, a slim steel rod coming from the structure above falls down and connects with the right positions to decrease the span, like an elegant ribbon linking the annular ramps on the 1st and 2nd floors.

▼流动的坡道,the fluid ramp ©苏圣亮


材料创新 —— 金属表皮的复合使用:


▼金属表皮造就“空降建筑”的科幻景观,the metal skin creates an “airborne architecture” in contemporary urban environment ©苏圣亮



Considering the force imbalance caused by the deviation of upper core structure, balance has been made in selecting materials for the main structure. Suspending round disks adopt light but high-intensity steel structure to lose weight as much as possible. The core structure is made of reinforced concrete and corner steel columns, providing reliable bending strength and balancing the weight of heavy bulkiness.

▼轻质高强的钢结构为悬挑圆盘赋予轻盈感,lightweight, high-strength steel construction gives lightness to the suspended disc ©苏圣亮




▼结构模型,structure model ©E LAB


▼建造场景,construction phase ©E LAB



BIM technology is fully adopted in the design. With the visual model, participants in various specialties can discuss on the design. Through the model, most problems related to space design or piping crashes have been solved in the beginning. All rod pieces, joints, screw welding, concrete columns and beams are incorporated into the overall model by 3D entity modeling. All the dimensions in the drawings, including the length of rod pieces, the dimensions of sections, and the intersected angles of parts, are generated from 3D entity model. After that, factory will fabricate based on shop drawings.

▼从城市街道望向建筑,view form the street in the city ©苏圣亮


▼项目模型,project model ©E LAB


▼一层平面图,1f plan ©E LAB


▼二层平面图,2f plan ©E LAB


▼三层平面图,3f plan ©E LAB


▼立面图,elevations ©E LAB


▼剖面图,sections ©E LAB


项目名称:: “网谷之眼”拱墅区智慧网谷小镇展示中心Project Name:Gongshu Intelligence Valley’s Eye建筑事务所: E LABArchitectural design:E LAB主创建筑师:: 胡沂佳Chief designers: Hu yijia设计团队:周越辰,陈一宁,叶彤,鲁先辉,谢杰,尹咏Design team: Zhou yuechen, Chen yining, Ye tong, Lu xianhui, Xie jie, Yin yong项目地址: 杭州拱墅区Location: gongshu district, hangzhou设计时间: 2018.03Design time:2018.03项目完成年份: 2019.12Completion time: 2019.12占地面积(平方米): 5366.1㎡Site area: 5366.1㎡建筑面积(平方米): 8933.59㎡Floor area: 8933.59㎡摄影师: 是然建筑摄影 – 苏圣亮Photograph: Schran Images – Su shengliang

景观设计: 中国美术学院风景建筑设计研究总院Landscape design: The Design Institute Of Landscape & Architecture China Academy Of Art Co.,Ltd.室内设计: 中国美术学院风景建筑设计研究总院Interior design: The Design Institute Of Landscape & Architecture China Academy Of Art Co.,Ltd.幕墙设计: 中国美术学院风景建筑设计研究总院Curtain wall design: The Design Institute Of Landscape & Architecture China Academy Of Art Co.,Ltd.钢结构设计: 中国美术学院风景建筑设计研究总院Steel structure design: The Design Institute Of Landscape & Architecture China Academy Of Art Co.,Ltd.施工图设计: 中国美术学院风景建筑设计研究总院Construction drawing design: The Design Institute

